Your wildest dreams will come true
But we survived another day, Liam took a solid 3.5 hour nap this evening and he's currently upstairs giving Bill hell while he tries to get him to bed. I did manage to get out for a swim this evening while the baby was napping. My goal: swim 1650 yards (1 mile) total and get several 100s under 1:45. I swam 200 ez, 2 x 100, and 2 x 50 repeat 3 times. I pushed the hundreds and managed to swim 1:42 for them. It felt ridiculous. I feel like I'm not going anywhere when I swim. It's like a bad dream but I have to keep at it, look! I already made progress from my last swim. Soon I will be swimming 1:30 for 100. Soon like mid-next year but it will happen eventually. Just like the baby will sleep eventually.
p.s. have I ever mentioned my recurring swimming nightmare? The water turns to a jello like substance and I can't break through the upper skin with my hand yet somehow I keep moving forward. Weird but not far from how I actually feel now in the water.
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