Ironman plans

Ironman Cozumel is next Sunday and we had quite a winding road leading up to the race. Initially, it was supposed to be a fun get away for Bill and I and some friends we hardly get to see who live in Denver. Bill's buddy registered for the race, his 1st Ironman. Then I got pregnant and my due date was 7 weeks before the race. Initially, I thought I would just take the baby to the race. Newborns are rumored to be portable. Then I looked at flights and from Oregon you end up with 2 layovers and it takes 12-15 hours to get there. I decided that was not something I was willing to do so I suggested Bill go ahead without me. Then his buddy's wife got pregnant, so he was going without his wife too. Dudes weekend in Cozumel! Watch out bikini girls!

Bill managed to get some training in during my pregnancy which I am sure was a nice break from his cranky pot bellied wife. He had some great training sessions, but couldn't run most of the summer due to injury so he was basically ready to be competitive at a 1/2 Ironman, without the run. Then the baby came and our world came to a halt. Except Bill had to go back to work. He was getting in 1-2 training sessions a week once the baby was born.

Then I flipped out. I cried and said I couldn't handle him leaving me behind to contend with the baby by myself. So he left me, with the baby, for 2 days for a business trip and I somehow survived so I told him to go ahead and go to the race without me. Then his work picked up even more and he had a night where he was up until 3am and still was behind at work.

Ultimately, the only reason to go to the race was to hang with his buddy and support him for his first Ironman which was reason enough to go, they have been friends since childhood. Bill was ready to book his ticket (last minute) when he found out he would have to be gone for 7 days rather than 5 days and that was the end of it. He couldn't miss work, his wife, his baby, and all of the things weighing on him to go race in the sun.

No bikini girls for Bill this time. Now I have a depressed husband who feels like he let his friend down. He feels awful about it and so do I. Sometimes... life just doesn't go the way you want it to. Fortunately, we have a baby to keep us up at night and remind us of our priorities.

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