Farmhouse White: A Simple, Old-Fashioned Sandwich Bread Recipe for the Perfect BLT (or PBJ)

BLT on Farmhouse White bread with heirloom tomatoes from the organic kitchen garden -
Does anything taste better than a BLT on homemade bread?

The beginning of BLT season is something we eagerly and impatiently anticipate all summer long. For us, it's a momentous occasion that ranks right up there with birthdays and Thanksgiving.

The sandwiches, which we always have for dinner, must be made exactly right, with juicy and flavorful heirloom tomatoes from the organic kitchen garden, really nice bacon (preferably from a locally raised hog we had butchered to our specifications), crunchy iceberg lettuce (hey, we're in the Midwest), a thick slathering of Hellman's mayonnaise, and perfectly toasted slices of freshly baked Farmhouse White.

The season opens tonight.

If you've been longing to learn how to bake your own sandwich bread, my easy Farmhouse White is the perfect place to start, and the recipe includes detailed instructions for beginners. There are also lots of bread baking tips here and here.

Made with milk instead of water, this is a simple, traditional loaf that's nice and soft, but not too soft. It's great for just about any kind of sandwich and brings peanut butter and jelly, a staple around here, to a whole new level. It's wonderful toasted, smells heavenly while toasting, and makes an awesome BLT.

I've been baking this bread for 11 years and have watched plenty of people who claim they never eat white bread gobble slices up. It's one of my most popular recipes, and I've heard from so many nervous novices who are now confident bread bakers thanks to Farmhouse White. Maybe you'll be the next one!

Have you been enjoying BLTs this summer? How do you like yours?

More bread posts on Farmgirl Fare:
Carrot Herb Rolls (and a wonderful bread baking book for beginners)

©, busy counting down the hours until dinner.

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