Lets start something new !

Monday was a Holiday from office and it was raining heavily……..I gazed lazily at my share of the sky trying to peep from the black weeping clouds into my window. There could be nothing better than a plate of hot “pakodas” and ginger -tea. I pictured myself savoring the taste while observing the translucent patterns that the raindrops formed each time they landed on the glass panes. One drop here and it rolls down to join the other drop from the previous sprinkle a second ago and together they invite themselves to form cute alphabets of some unknown language. I somehow succeeded in finding some small story, face or symbol and smiled shyly to myself. This non working state pleased me. It was like a reward to the constant running of fingers on the black keyboard, strenuous activity of the eyes to concentrate on the monitor and pain the neck muscles had to bear due to long sitting hours. Ah!!! Could we wish anything else from life? I decided stubbornly that I’m going to enjoy this heavy shower, have some delicious food, pamper my body muscles, click some monsoon hazy shots and finally just stay in bed all day with cartoons or some comedy flick on the TV.

I casually passed by the balcony to feel the moisture on my skin when I noticed a puppy struggling to find a dry place amidst the heavy rains. He looked helpless and “Survival of the fittest” theory came forward to occupy new found memory locations of my brain! I just waived off initially with an old monsoon song and singing it happily went to the kitchen to prepare a hot cup of tea. As the flames from the gas stove were blending the beautiful ivory and copper colors, I could not help myself going back to the balcony to catch a glimpse of the poor drenching soul. For a complete minute I watched him running courageously over every inch of temporary dry earth with hopes of finding some solace from the ferocious windy clouds but in vain. I contemplated my options of going down and helping…..the brain said “Well for the starters, the building you dwell in is the oldest of the area and with this rain , the ground floor will now be filled with waters above knees…you’d really like to soak in that mud dirt water, huh ?” … “And would you like to touch that filthy stray dog …he must be full of some unknown diseases.”…..”And where would you shelter him, you silly, it’s not your house, you live in a rented flat, remember you fool”….There were 100 reasons I could fish out to avoid the activity and manipulate the heart but all died with the reply “Well…Its time to start something new....J”. I turned down the gas burner and went to find my old rainy shoes and an umbrella!! I promised myself to find/attempt to find a solution for the water blockage in the building too when the rain stops. The Monday holiday was really worthwhile.

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