Weekend update

Training over the weekend mostly went to plan. My wife joined for my run on Friday which was nice and made for a change from plodding on my own. we jogged for 3.26km in 30 minutes. Similar to Wednesday in Tintagel but it was the same workout using Abvio's Cyclemeter.

Saturday was my gym induction and preparation of my training plan at Virgin Active in Sheffield.

All appeared to be going well with my trainer impressed with my warm up on the rowing machine. Then we moved onto dynamic stretching before I was meant to do some VIPR training, however my weird ankles decided that wouldn't be happening as it turns outI have no strength in my ankles and therefore no stability. My trainer Ben then had what can only be described as 30 seconds of bewilderment over what to do with me and my 16 stone frame with weak ankles.

Decision made and to my amazement he had now developed a training plan for the Powerplate to improve my ankle strength and overall stability. I stupidly thought this would be easy.


After 3 sets of 30s squats 30s one legs squats (each leg) and 15s squat hold. My legs had turned to what can only be described as a gelatinous mess.

Next followed 45s of hand walks round the plate and 2 sets of 30s press ups with a 15s hold in a deep plank and my triceps were screaming.

For a warm down I went for a swim and managed 3 sets of 100m and 1 set of 200m, I could have done more but had a drink with friends planned.

On getting out I found a spin dryer for your shorts. Virgin Active think of everything.

After this I felt ok and and drove home but forgot to take my post workout drink of Cherry Active. I then proceeded to go on the lash with my mates until 2am. Oops a 10 hour bender.

Got up on Sunday and I couldn't move through the pain ripping through my chest legs arms and shoulders. I honestly haven't felt discomfort like it. It's probably a combination of the work out and the fact I forgot my Cherry Active but the DOMS were painful. Since I have been taking Cherry Active I haven't been getting DOMS. Note to self remember to take Cherry Active post workout.

This aching then kiboshed my planned run on Sunday. Well the aching and my general tiredness. Even watching Jonny Brownlee and Helen Jenkins win in the San Diego triathlon couldn't inspire me. Thanks to the BBC for the coverage.

Back to the drawing board for Sunday so I stripped down Frankenbike to enable me to sell it. Then I went to pick up my new bike from J E James. Oh boy is it pretty and oh so light.

The only downside was I didn't get to go for a ride after I'd finished washing Frankenbike and fitting all the stuff to my new bike. Name TBC. Answers on a postcard please. It's a Trek Madone. Picture from Trek website below, my picture to follow.

That's about all I got up to this weekend.

The DOMS are still rearing their ugly head as well today. Hope it's better for my run tomorrow.

Remember you can still sponsor me via Justgiving. A special mention at this point must go to Bonnie in Canada who sponsored me £35 for putting up on Twitter and Facebook the photo of me in my Cancer Research vest and swimming cap.

Thanks for reading,


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