How to care your rose plant
To keep the rose plant healthy you must use two types of fungicide alternatively each week. Or else your plant will develop 'Root Down Disease' in which the stem starts dying, leaf changes it's color to yellow and also leaf sheds. In order to cure this, you have to cut the exact stem which is dead just a from little bit down where it is still green. After cutting you'll notice the hollow stem. Now you will mix fevicol and SAFF at a ratio of 1:1 and apply it on the opened cut of the plant.
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Stem from the healthy mother plant |
During grafting the rose plant, use a rooted healthy plant (Suckers)who have seven leaves or suckers look different from the rest of the bush. This is to prevent the root plant from absorbing the nutrients and therefore letting the flower plant grow well.
When to purchase
The best purchase bare-root roses when they're in a set of roots packed in peat moss or a similar material that holds moisture well , they are then in dormant or just beginning to grow .
Container rose plant : Water everyday them in two times morning and evening. Deep soakings are much better than frequent. Set a narrow hose at the foot or bottom line of the rose and let water trickle in.
Feeding: Roses are very hungry plants,so feeding regularly if in container.
Use when only Chemical fertilizer in Pot :
- Avoid planting too close to established shrubs and trees.
- All roses require an open, sunny and well drained position.
- At least minimum 6 hours sunlight is required per day, preferably more.
- Don't use fowl manure or other quick soluble fertilizers at planting time.
- Don't replant into old soil where roses have been removed. Renew with fresh soil.
- Don't use weedicides or per-emergence herbicides.
When to purchase
The best purchase bare-root roses when they're in a set of roots packed in peat moss or a similar material that holds moisture well , they are then in dormant or just beginning to grow .
Container rose plant : Water everyday them in two times morning and evening. Deep soakings are much better than frequent. Set a narrow hose at the foot or bottom line of the rose and let water trickle in.
Feeding: Roses are very hungry plants,so feeding regularly if in container.
Use when only Chemical fertilizer in Pot :
Once the transplanted seedling or Grafting Rose plants is looking healthy , can start watering it as normal. Fertilizing a few times during the warm growing season may help the plant grow and bloom if you follow the fertilizer instructions, but keep in mind that some varieties of rose will not bloom at all during their first year of life.PLANT CARE:
- For ROOT DEVELOPMENT use NPK 12:61:00 (4 weeks - everyday in the interval of 1day)
- After 4 weeks, for HEALTH use NPK 20:20:20 (Around the Year - everyday in the interval of 1day)
- After 8 weeks, for FLOWER use NPK 13:00:45 (Only at the time of flowering)
Instruction -
Day 1 - NPK 20:20:20
Day 2 - NPK 12:61:00
Continue After 8 weeks.
Use when only Chemical & Organic fertilizer on Ground
For the well balanced fertilizer need s basic ingredients are: nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. They are usually sometimes listed on fertilizer bags and labels as 5-5-5. Nitrogen gives your plants green new growth. Phosphorouspromotes photosynthesis, flower production, and root growth. Potassium strengthens canes, improves vigor and increases winter hardiness. But many rose gardener recommend to use slow releasing organic fertilizers and then your roses do not burn. Many fertilizers with a higher nutrient content like19-19-19 are too much for roses. These can cause your rose leaves to turn brown and fall off.
1. For short period , need to use a little chemical fertilizer , where the season for three months.
You can purchase 5:5:5: or 19:19:19 from market,these are chemical,but our suggestion make it own.
10 % mastered oil cake powder +
10% Bone meal powder
5 % DAP
Apply every 15 days
Use water every day two times before applying fertilizer so the plant will grow well and under no stress.
For blooming use below these mixture but after developed the plant.
10 % mastered oil cake powder +
10% Bone meal powder
5 % DAP
5% super phosphate
Apply every 15 days
Use water every day two times.before 10 am and 5pm
Chemicals fertilizer will harm your plants.So for long lasting use organic fertilizer to built your soil well.
2.For Long period , use organic fertilizer , where the season for longtime .Make slow release fertilizer no need to use chemical fertilizer
An healthy, well-balanced soil provides better root systems to take up all the required nutrients, they need, thus creating a healthier more disease resistant rose bush.
Healthy, well-balanced soil provides the key for the root systems to take up all the required nutrients they need, thus creating a healthier more disease resistant rose bush
- Two Cup Horn meal or Fish powder or Kelp liquid fertilizer: Slow released nitrogen
- One cup Bone meal powder(Phosphorous)
- Two spoon Alfalfa meal: It is a soil conditioner so conditions the soil for plant growth.
- One cup Compost(Cow dung): Better improve soil nutrients.It will help plant roots
- Two table spoon Neem cake powder : Protect the Nimatic and fungal infection but use 10 % of total mixture.
- Two table spoon Epsom salts:Promotes the activity of enzyme in soil.
Rose Make with a container (Need Heavy drainage system ):
Kelp, powdered fish and apple cider vinegar supplies roses with a balanced dose of nutrients. It promotes foliage and flower growth. To make the fertilizer, 3 cups of water should be combined with 2 tablespoons of molasses, 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts, 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon of kelp extract and 2 tablespoons of powdered fish. In the summer, 1/2 gallon of the fertilizer should be applied in the evening after roses have been watered. A repeat application in six to eight weeks, near the end of summer, helps encourage blooming until fall or winter.
But roses in containers can't reach farther into the soil to find more nutrients, they depend on you to feed them.
Rose in Ground:
The easy solution is to use a slow-release plant food that just need to apply for once or twice a season and it feeds your plants for months.
Use an all-purpose garden fertilizer, because it has balanced amounts of N (nitrogen), P (phosphorus), and K (potassium)The potassium compounds in compost are water-soluble, which makes them readily available to plants but also likely to leach out of your compost pile over time. Fertilizers touted especially for roses.
For rose use Nitrogen for promotes foliage growth, and phosphorus encourages healthy root and flower development, and potassium maintains the vigor. Calcium, magnesium, and sulphur are the secondary elements .
Slow Realize N:P:K
Horn Meal (Nitrogen)
Bone Meal (Phosphorus)
Wood Ash or Kelp Meal or Granite Dust or Compost (Potassium): Compost is full of nutrients, including potassium, especially if it is beefed up with banana peels and other fruit and vegetable waste.
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