A Delicious & Nutritious Yoghurt, Berry & Qat Breakfast Trifle

Yoghurt is a very popular breakfast among dieters because it is tasty, convenient, healthy and available in a range of flavours. 

This recipe is a little fancier than your typical tub of yoghurt, but is equally as convenient, and a little healthier and more filling. 

We suggest using low fat or reduced fat yoghurt in this recipe.

Recipe Ingredients:
  • 100g strawberries (approx 8)
  • 200g strawberry/berry yoghurt (low fat or reduced fat)
  • 50g oats
  • 50g sultanas

Recipe Method:
  1. Wash, hull and cut strawberries into quarters, set aside.
  2. Using a clean wide lipped glass place ¼ of yoghurt in glass.
  3. Sprinkle sultanas over the yoghurt followed by oats, then strawberries, next ¼ of yoghurt and repeat with sultanas, oats and finish with strawberries.
Serve and enjoy!

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