San Diego Blackout Dinner

brian is always prepared with his headlamp
So while other parts of the country are used to multi-day power outages from hurricanes and such, San Diegans really aren't so prepared for extended blackouts. We were all taken by surprise on Thursday when San Diego County and parts of Orange County, Riverside County and beyond lost power. It was at 3:40pm...right in the middle of work for most people. Lights, computers, traffic lights, phones, refrigerators, and so on....all rendered useless. Even cell phones weren't working because the cell companies shut down service except to emergency lines.

traffic caused by the 2011 san diego power outage
I was smack in the middle of an already overloaded work day when I was found unable to get any of my tasks done. I waited it out, rearranging things in the office, sending emails on my phone, and preparing letters and packages. At 6pm, however, I gave up hope on the electricity coming back on, and I attempted to fight the traffic-light-less roads. The most frustrating part about this situation is that I have been biking to work for years. But, that day I had to go north to another part of town for a cooking class in the morning and then rush straight to a meeting back at the office right after. So, of course the day that I have to drive to work, the power goes out, causing mass chaos on the streets. I was actually very impressed with people's responsibility, kindness, and patience. Random citizens got out and directed traffic at major intersections because there weren't enough police to cover all the big intersections. Although, while stuck on the 8 freeway, which had turned into a jam-packed parking lot, I did witness two idiots get out of their car and start fist fighting. Way to go dummies, you're going to have to sit in traffic with eachother for another hour or so.

one big happy family enjoying dinner by moonlight
When I finally did get home, just after sunset, I rapidly ravaged the garden for foods that could be prepared and eaten raw. I then whipped up a massive salad, pesto dip, my already prepared tomatillo salsa, and a sliced fruit and veg tray by candle light. There were 8 of us eating dinner and we somehow managed to all find enough fuel in the garden to pair well with our celebratory wine and beer. The evening had an air of snow day anticipation and confused excitement.

weird cross between an oboe, accordion, keyboard, guitar
We enjoyed our feast outside by the light of the bright half moon and an array of candles. No electric entertainment was needed, thanks to our talented roommates who serenaded us through the night. While the power did come back on in the middle of the night, I felt comforted knowing that in the case of an emergency we have a garden full of healthy, sustainable food, several jugs of spring water, a gazillion candles, and an array of camping and backpacking equipment meant for living life without electricity. I know that not only will we be safe, but we will also be well fed!

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