Brown Bag Roasted Turkey & A Butterball Turkey {Giveaway Closed}

Today I want to share a recipe for one of my favorite ways to cook a Thanksgiving turkey. Last year I came across this recipe for a Brown Bag Roasted Turkey.

I couldn't imagine cooking a turkey in a brown paper bag. My first thought was how does the bag not catch on fire since it is paper? Well I read a bit farther and found out that paper burns at about 451 degrees. This turkey is cooked at 375.

So out of curiosity I wanted to try this recipe. I did run into a problem right off the top. I couldn't find a large enough paper bag. Even the paper grocery sacks were too small.

I happen to have had two Braums paper bags so I used those. One bag for each side so I could get them around the roaster pan.

I followed the directions to the "T" and when the turkey was done and I tore open the bag, I couldn't believe it.......

The turkey was a gorgeous golden brown. When we carved into the turkey it was the moistest turkey I had eaten in a long time. All I kept saying was that is one beautiful bird. This really is the easiest and yummiest way I know to roast a turkey.

Don't take my word for it. Would you like to try this recipe out for yourself? Well you can and the turkey is on Butterball. Yes that's right another giveaway!!! Don't you just love the holidays. The generous folks over at Butterball are giving (2) Mommy's Kitchen readers a $15 Butterball Gift Check, so the turkey is one less thing you have to worry about this Thanksgiving. 

I don't know about you but cooking a turkey can be pretty nerve racking especially if you are making one for the first time. I get as nervous as the rest of you all that pressure to turn out the perfect bird. Well don't worry help is on the way. Did you know that Butterball has a Turkey Talk Line? 

They have Butterball Turkey Experts waiting to help you through the whole turkey cooking process. No question is too tough for these turkey talkers, and they are ready for any challenge you throw their way. You can reach the Turkey Talk Line at the number below.

Lines are open November and December.
Weekdays from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. CST
Contact Butterball by Email.

I have included some step by step photos of just how easy it is to prepare this yummy Brown Bag Roasted Turkey. I have also added a Printable Friendly Version of this recipe at the end of this post.

Start by removing everything out of the turkey. (giblet bag and livers) Add UN peeled vegetables(onions, carrots, celery and apple if using) to the inside of the turkey. (the veggies are just for flavor). They will be thrown away later. Don't forget the mashed garlic.

Rub the turkey all over with olive oil. Make sure the whole bird is covered in oil. Put the turkey in a roasting pan and cover it with a large brown paper bag.

Staple shut. If you have a huge turkey use two paper bags at each end. It wont stick to the bird because of the olive oil. Sprinkle water all over the bag.

Place the turkey on the middle rack of a pre-heated 375 F oven. Make sure that the bag does not make contact with the heating element of the oven. 

Remember the bag wont burn because paper burns at 451 and we're at 375 degrees. The advantage of the brown paper bag over a Reynolds cooking bag is that the paper breathes so the turkey ROASTS.

Roast for 13-15minutes per pound. When the turkey is ready, poke a meat thermometer through the bag and into the Turkey and give it a minute to register.

 Make sure it doesn't touch the bone. The thermometer should register between 163-170 degrees. Remove from oven, cut away the bag and remove the Roasting pan.

This is the finished product. The turkey is golden brown and the meat is so tender. I hope you will give this recipe a try because it really is so easy to make.

Brown Bag Roasted Turkey

1 (18 -20 lb) whole turkey
2 stalks celery (roughly chopped) 
1 - small apple 
1 carrot (roughly chopped)
1 onion
(cut into quarters)

3 -4 
garlic cloves, crushed

olive oil
1 - large brown paper grocery bag

Removing everything out of the turkey. (giblet bag and livers) Add UN peeled vegetables (onions, carrots, celery and apple if using) to the inside of the turkey. (the veggies are just for flavor).

They will be thrown away later. Don't forget the mashed garlic.

Rub the turkey all over with olive oil. Make sure the whole bird is covered in oil. Put the turkey in a roasting pan and cover it with a large brown paper bag.

Staple shut. If you have a huge turkey use two paper bags at each end. It wont stick to the bird because of the olive oil. Sprinkle water all over the bag.

Place the turkey on the middle rack of a pre-heated 375 F oven. Make sure that the bag does not make contact with the heating element of the oven. 

Remember the bag wont burn because paper burns at 451 and we're at 375 degrees. The advantage of the brown paper bag over a Reynolds cooking bag is that the paper breathes so the turkey ROASTS.

Roast for 13-15minutes per pound. When the turkey is ready, poke a meat thermometer through the bag and into the Turkey and give it a minute to register.

Make sure it doesn't touch the bone. The thermometer should register between 163-170 degrees. Remove from oven, cut away the bag and remove the Roasting pan.

The turkey is golden brown and the meat is so tender.

Recipe from: Kidd Kraddick

Cook's Note:
Some people say it is unsafe to cook a turkey in this manner. Use your own judgement when making this recipe. With that being said......

If you think it is unsafe because of fire, it is important that the bag doesn't make contact with the heating element of the oven. 

If you mean it is unsafe because of the recycled paper bag releasing toxins into the turkey, all we can say is that this recipe has been around for over 30 years.  

Kidd Kraddick has been posting this recipe for over 10 years and has never had a single complaint that anyone got sick or getting cancer.

But they have had is hundreds of emails that this is the best turkey they've ever tasted and the perfect recipe for first time chefs!

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