The Party is Over
I went to the Dr. today and afterwards I called Bill and told him the party is over. The Dr. is recommending IUI, an insemination procedure and an increase in dosage of the fertility drug Clomid. Why? Because my cycles continue to be irregular and we need to up the Clomid to see if I will ovulate regularly. Upping the Clomid causes a more hostile environment for sperm so they want Bill to provide a sample and then they will get out the turkey baster. Fun times for both of us! The chances of conceiving through this method will be around 20% each cycle. The cost for this is around $300/mo. and our insurance will cover about half not including the medication.
I met Bill at noon today for some aqua jogging and we talked it through and we're going to try this method for a few cycles. If it doesn't work then we'll go to a fertility specialist and see what they have to say. We will try a few more things but we will not try the costly and emotionally draining in-vitro procedures. There has to be an end point for me.
Bill is supportive and agrees that we cannot continue to stress my body with drugs endlessly. If there were no reason to suspect something was abnormal then we might be more patient, but each month I never know what the circumstances will be. If these initial fertility treatments don't work, we will look into adoption while we continue trying naturally. I am called to motherhood, it's a strong instinct and I just don't know that my life will be complete without a family to care for. I haven't met a kid yet that wasn't intrigued by Bill, they are drawn to his good nature, confidence, and his sense of humor. We both want kids and it is terribly sad for anyone to be in this situation. I wouldn't wish infertility on my worst enemy, it hurts.
On top of that, I turn 35 next month, the age that everything officially goes downhill with fertility. I would guess that the next month or two is not going to be pleasant for us.
Regardless of what happens, Bill and I are happy together. We've had some tough spots to get through and some unexpected grenades thrown at us and what is great about life and why I am so fortunate is that we will find a way to enjoy life together. We don't have to have everything perfectly aligned to be happy, we really do enjoy what we have. Having these circumstances come up makes me appreciate and love Bill even more than I did the day we married.
Tonight I am making us some strawberry daiquiris, we'll put our feet up and watch the animals romp around the back yard. We'll make plans for mountain biking this weekend and camping out at a lake and when we get back, bring on the turkey baster and the drugs. Cheers friends. Thanks for reading.
I met Bill at noon today for some aqua jogging and we talked it through and we're going to try this method for a few cycles. If it doesn't work then we'll go to a fertility specialist and see what they have to say. We will try a few more things but we will not try the costly and emotionally draining in-vitro procedures. There has to be an end point for me.
Bill is supportive and agrees that we cannot continue to stress my body with drugs endlessly. If there were no reason to suspect something was abnormal then we might be more patient, but each month I never know what the circumstances will be. If these initial fertility treatments don't work, we will look into adoption while we continue trying naturally. I am called to motherhood, it's a strong instinct and I just don't know that my life will be complete without a family to care for. I haven't met a kid yet that wasn't intrigued by Bill, they are drawn to his good nature, confidence, and his sense of humor. We both want kids and it is terribly sad for anyone to be in this situation. I wouldn't wish infertility on my worst enemy, it hurts.
On top of that, I turn 35 next month, the age that everything officially goes downhill with fertility. I would guess that the next month or two is not going to be pleasant for us.
Regardless of what happens, Bill and I are happy together. We've had some tough spots to get through and some unexpected grenades thrown at us and what is great about life and why I am so fortunate is that we will find a way to enjoy life together. We don't have to have everything perfectly aligned to be happy, we really do enjoy what we have. Having these circumstances come up makes me appreciate and love Bill even more than I did the day we married.
Tonight I am making us some strawberry daiquiris, we'll put our feet up and watch the animals romp around the back yard. We'll make plans for mountain biking this weekend and camping out at a lake and when we get back, bring on the turkey baster and the drugs. Cheers friends. Thanks for reading.
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