Garage nudity

Several months ago we had to make room for the baby in the house so Bill moved some of his things out in the garage, like his massive amounts of workout clothes. Since then, I've found Bill in various states of undress in the garage because why would he change clothes in the house when the clothes are out there? It's slightly alarming to find him out there like that though. I have another biking story for you, I'll get to it in a sec.

We had nice weather again today and I could see some weeds coming up in the yard so I set Liam up in his Johnny Jump Up on the deck so he could watch mommy in the yard. He seemed pretty darn happy to be outdoors.

Liam working on cutting his first teeth. A couple of days ago I was drinking water out of a glass while holding Liam and he muscled my hands toward his face and stuck his mouth right on the glass and started licking the water with his tongue. I couldn't get the glass away from him so today his daddy bought him a sippy cup. Don't ask me how he figured out how to mouth my glass!?!

Whoa. Sippy cup! He can move it toward his mouth and gnaw on it but he can't quit lift it up yet.

Peas and squash for dinner yum! Now the sippy cup has flavoring on it. And finally, in bike riding news... I rode with my mom friend today, we did most of the Kings Valley loop but Bill dropped us off and picked us up so we could cut out the highway sections. I wore the Garmin GPS and downloaded the data (return of the tri geek) and the stats were:
31 miles
1H 51M
16.9 avg speed
141 avg heart rate
1703 total ascent
1948 total descent

We did a nice mix of chatting and working so it was a good ride on the last sunny day we have in the forecast for a long time. Bill took the baby shopping at Costco and Target while we were out riding so we had groceries when we were done. Excellent. I was thinking about doing the Beaver Freezer triathlon course tomorrow by myself but I think my legs are going to be tired from the 1700 ft of climbing we did today. Maybe it will rain hard and I can lay on the couch with Liam all day? HA! Like the baby would allow that.

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