Blue ceiling

I sang with a band last night and it didn't go horribly wrong! That blue ceiling is wrong though, I never noticed it until I saw this photo. Yesterday was so busy that I was relieved to just get to the restaurant and focus on performing. And drinking a beer and socializing. I enjoyed myself and I was glad that I challenged myself to get out of my comfort zone to do this. Hopefully I will get invited back to sing with them again. If not, then we'll know how I actually did...

I want to write about Liam but I will make it a topic all it's own tomorrow. We had nice weather today so I got out for a run today with the baby in the stroller again and did a much more reasonable 9:30 pace. I have not gotten out on the bike this week but I did start bike commuting to work. The weather is finally reasonably warm enough to get on a bike first thing in the morning which I really enjoy. As soon as I say that it will start raining buckets and I'll be back in the car in the morning.

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