No Details Here
Bill had another Mary's Peak climb to do so we made a plan that I would drop my stuff off for embroidery and then drive up to the Peak and then we would do a hike with the dog and then drive back down.
After that fiasco I enjoyed and nice long nap and now here I am. Still cranky. We do have some good news that Bill is allowing me to share: he has been cleared on the fertility stuff. I can't give you any details or share any stories about it, he would be very hostile toward me if I even tried. So I have nothing further to say about that topic. Except he is fine. And that's all I'm allowed to say. I better go before I get in trouble! p.s. see the bee in the flower? I took great risks to get that photo! Those flowers were growing all over the side of the road on the Peak and I bet the first time Bill will see these flowers is on my blog even though he spent 9 miles riding his bike up the hill next to them. I guess he won't get any faster if he stops to look at flowers. He'll check in a day and a half he says since he'll be back there then.
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