No Details Here

I woke up this morning with a slight fever and an upset stomach (no details you are welcome) so I didn't get a whole lot done today. I tried to start the day out slow, watching TV, drinking coffee, and eating toast with Nutella but I couldn't enjoy any of it so of course that made me cranky. CRANKY! I must have picked something up yesterday. Nothing irritates me more than not being able to drink coffee or eat chocolate.

Bill had another Mary's Peak climb to do so we made a plan that I would drop my stuff off for embroidery and then drive up to the Peak and then we would do a hike with the dog and then drive back down. In my slightly ill state it took me too long to get my orders ready and then I left without grabbing Bill's hiking gear. Jeez! Long story short: I hiked solo and Bill rode back down and visited with the Grizwalds (our friends who helped us with the wedding last year) and I picked him up there.

After that fiasco I enjoyed and nice long nap and now here I am. Still cranky. We do have some good news that Bill is allowing me to share: he has been cleared on the fertility stuff. I can't give you any details or share any stories about it, he would be very hostile toward me if I even tried. So I have nothing further to say about that topic. Except he is fine. And that's all I'm allowed to say. I better go before I get in trouble! p.s. see the bee in the flower? I took great risks to get that photo! Those flowers were growing all over the side of the road on the Peak and I bet the first time Bill will see these flowers is on my blog even though he spent 9 miles riding his bike up the hill next to them. I guess he won't get any faster if he stops to look at flowers. He'll check in a day and a half he says since he'll be back there then.

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