Cassie's missing. She either wandered off or someone took her because she has a collar with her name and our phone number on it so if someone found her then they would call. We live on a street with very little traffic however there is a bunch of construction going on down the block. We went around the neighborhood last night calling for her and I am making up missing flyers now. The humane society is closed today so we'll check there tomorrow. Our heart's are hurting today, she became an important member of our family and we miss her terribly. I hope she can find her way home to us soon, I couldn't really sleep last night and I've been trying to hold back tears all day. I am in a 3 day communications workshop at work and we are working on listening (and talking) and one of the big messages I was taking away from this workshop was that I need to work on letting go of past resentments for my own personal well being and so that I am a better partner and friend. Having Cassie gone missing and our home upset is making that really hard. She was a ray of sunshine in my life, she was Bill's first cat, and she was Marshall's friend. This totally sucks.
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