(We added sun visors to my inventory last week) Sweet! I wore shorts to bike commute to work this morning--it's finally getting warm. Yeah! People might not realize that once the winter rain leaves Oregon we don't see rain again until October. Our temps hover around 80 and life is GOOD, seriously, we surrounded by vineyards and mountains and have perfect weather, but it rains in the winter so don't move here! Apologies to my regular blog readers, my brain has been in overtime for the past week and I needed to free my mind to focus on searching for new products for tribabe.com. At my day job I've been coordinating a move and remodel of our office in addition to my regular computer geek responsibilities so it has been a little chaotic. I've also been at the Dr's office for hormone tests, we should know by next week if I'm ovulating or not. If not, then I will go on the fertility drug Clomid in the next few weeks! If I am then we will be buying a fertility monitor and Bill will get tested. It is far more likely to be me, I have a history of ovarian cysts and even had emergency surgery for it about 12 years ago. I am slightly emotional about this situation but after spending some time holding babies this weekend I am all the more certain that my heart and mind is ready to be pregnant so I really hope this happens for us soon.
(For the ladies: SWIM BIKE RUN BE FABULOUS inspired by my cutest friend QRGirl) ANYWAY! We are also starting to plan for Bill to finish school in June so that means job searching for him AND it looks like we will be flying down to Phoenix to pick up a Jeep from Bill's parents after graduation and plan to drive it back up through Eastern California and sight see for a week or so. On top of all that, we had a triathlon Saturday morning up north in Hillsboro and had to get up at the crack of dawn and haul my stuff up to the Hawthorne Farms tri and duathlon. It's a great event and the race director is cool, my only problem with it is that it's point to point and we were set up at the finish and the racers wallets were back at the start. So even though there were 3x more people than at the WOU race, I made the same amount of money.
(I might need more tables for the expanding product line) I have two more triathlons on the schedule: this weekend we will be heading north again to the Canby Gator Grinder triathlon and I will have lots of new products including running hats and sun visors to sell. At this point I need to come up with a plan to sustain this level of activity without being stressed because I'm not getting much time off. This past Saturday we had to rush home from the race so Bill could meet his buddies to play disc golf, I had to shower and run to the store for supplies to make Polynesian style beans for the pig roast we were attending at a neighbor's house. We didn't get home until around 9pm and I crashed hard. The next day we woke up and I thought we would have a day of leisure until I remembered it was Simon's birthday and his mommy was hosting a breakfast party for him. We had 1 hour to shower, get a gift and get to their house. After that we went to Costco and long story short: I didn't sit down until 7:30 pm Sunday night.
I forgot to mention that Bill defended his master's project last Friday without a problem so he just has to pass his 4 classes and he will have an MBA. So, is that frantic enough for you? Hey, it's all good. I just need a nap with my puppy dog and I'll be fine. Pics from the pig roast at Dave and Anna's house...

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