A Day in the Life

(Cassie bird watching) On a typical day we would wake up to the sound of animals stirring, usually around 6am which earlier than the alarm goes off (grrr). Yes, all three animals usually sleep in the bedroom with us but only Baby Girl aka Cassie aka El Diablo ends up on the bed these days (Bill mandate). Today wasn't typical because I woke up at 6:50am to find myself on the edge of the bed with Marshall dog sprawled out across the king size bed and no evidence of my husband having ever come to bed. He was up late working on a paper and slept for 3 hours in the guest room (Hotel B as he likes to brag). Bill was already awake and at the computer--he had let me sleep in which is great except I have to go to work and now I'm running late.

(Marshall wakes up Ms. Kitty) I get ready fast everyday: shower, dress, eat, fix hair and put on minimal make up in around 1/2 an hour. The funny farm is always good for morning entertainment, Cassie likes to bird watch out the window and Marshall comes in while I'm blowing my hair dry and wants his own hair brushed. Bill and Marshall see me off every morning, on non-rainy days I bike 3 miles to work at Oregon State University. My route is nice, all of it is on bike lanes except one road that is clearly marked and has a low speed limit. I pass the park where our wedding reception was held and lock my commuter bike in front of my office building. If I drive in I don't pay for parking so I have to find a spot amongst student housing which can suck so I have lots of incentive to bike commute (including my pink helmet and cute Sherpani messenger bag).

(Bike commuting on Crystal Lake Drive) I work in the main administrative building in the department that oversees research on campus. My job consists of web development, data analysis and some technical computer support for the 24 people in our group. I have my own office with a door and a large window that looks out to the gymnastics bldg and the library. Currently I am testing some software that we are looking to customize to track research compliance for the campus. I'm also helping with the planning of a remodel at our office which is fun but I'm going to have to move out of my space for six weeks during the remodel which starts in a few weeks.

(My office at OSU) Every morning I listen to NPR Morning Edition while I work and then Pandora for the rest of the day which keeps my mind focused. At home I like quiet but when I'm at the computer I need distractions to stay focused and I am at the computer most of the day. When I'm not pressed for time I walk to the hippie coffee place and get a cup of organic brew (decaf now) or occasionally I'll go the dorm across the street where you can buy a freshly baked croissant for $1 and get a free cup of coffee on Tues/Thurs. Campus dining is cheap but I usually bring a lunch as I have my own mini fridge under my desk (put there back when I was Ironman training and ate constantly).

(Hippie coffee shop--click to zoom in and see real live hippies!) At lunch I either go to masters swim class (MWF) or walk (TR) downtown to the river or out to the covered bridge bike path with a friend. She is a formerly active person (road and mtn biker) who is trying to get pregnant too so we have plenty to talk about. She knows a lot of great trails from her mtn biking days so she has shown me around the hills quite a bit. When I first started walking with her she walked so fast my legs were sore and I wasn't that far removed from running regularly so she's kind of hard core still. She likes to go on hikes that are 6+ miles so I sometimes I end up napping after hanging out with her. Wait until after she has her first baby, she's going to be a tornado.

The campus is in bloom and I can barely breath from allergies but I love it! More on my after work life later tonight...

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