Should private universities in Bangladesh teach their students morality?

Topic: Should private universities in Bangladesh teach their students morality?

My answer: Yes.

In fact, I believe morality should never even be out of our system. I do not mean that there should another extra subject on morality. That would be awful, because as human beings we like to learn things and enjoy doing it when we are not under some kind pressure of exams and stuff. What I am suggesting is to instill the sense of morality subconsciously, like hanging posters and fliers here and there on walls or notice boards, so that one can some moral values while walking or doing whatever they are doing. It should be like a reminder, not something forced upon the students.

I also do not support some extra free classes where there is a certain teacher teaching us morality. That would be nothing different from normal classes. But, if necessary, the universities can arrange some sessions where different people can discuss what morality is and what should be about it; though I believe that would not be much fruitful since everyone has their own opinions.

So, even though I think morality should be taught in universities of Bangladesh, I do not think there should be classes to do so, because that way students would only despise the idea rather than looking up to it. So, in order to remind the students about morality, there should be posters and fliers hanged all around the campus. This will act just as a subconscious reminder and may also prevent someone from doing immoral activities (being surrounded by the moral messages).

Now, lastly I would like to include that while writing moral messages, no specific religion should be mentioned. That would be weird because imagine what effect it might cause if you ask a Hindu girl to put on a hijab/head scarf. Instead these messages should be all the basic teachings practically all the religions teach, like not telling lies, not cheating, being nice to people and such that. Because, we are here to make good human beings, not good Muslims or good Hindus and others (though that would not be bad).  What I am trying to say is that the mention of certain religion somehow makes people from other religions uncomfortable or angry. So, we should teach morality and moral values in universities but should avoid doing stuff that might produce a negative effect. The messages should be subtle.

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