Beautiful friend

I love living in a college town, for many reasons, but one of the best reasons is that I think you can find people who aren't too self conscious to have an intellectual conversation. A friend of mine, a former co-worker that became a friend, stopped by my office right before 5pm tonight and asked if I had time to grab a drink. Since I'm not pregnant and not training (always the excuse in the past) I said let's go. So off we went to my favorite martini spot, Big River. MMMMmmm! Tonight I had a limoncello martini which I believe means very stiff lemon flavored alcohol.

Anyway, my friend is in her late 40s and quite attractive and is really one of those women you meet and don't think about her age, she looks great. She is single and going to school and is a great person to have a drink with because she loves a good conversation. So after much flirting with the extremely cute waiter (her, not me) she told me that there is so much beauty in the world and that we should appreciate it. Tell people they are beautiful and be beautiful ourselves.

She said a friend recently told her, "Do you know you are beautiful?" and she said "Yes, I do" which caused them both to laugh hysterically but what she realized is that she does try to look good because she it gives other people pleasure. She knows people enjoy seeing her look good, so, she does her hair and puts on some make up and is the best version of herself that she can be and other people enjoy that about her.

Before I came to Corvallis I had a strange conversation with another co-worker that I really looked up to, she was very popular at work and successful in her career. She stopped by my office one day before lunch and I had my camera out and was going to take some pics on my lunch break and she said, "You workout, you are thin, you are a musician, AND you are into photography? I think I hate you." She didn't really hate me, but I got the message.

I think I have a decent grasp on my place in the world, I try to do a lot of different things and I am slightly above average at most of them. There's room to improve and lots of things to improve at, and I'm good with that most of the time. I do get frustrated when I don't have time to do everything I want to do but otherwise I feel like there is a lot out there in this world that I need to try and be mediocre at!

Anyway, I feel like I gained some insight into something that is important to me so I'm glad I went out with my beautiful friend. My lesson to myself: don't apologize for being whatever form of fabulous you are. Just be as good as you can be and hopefully people won't tell you they hate you. (I hope, that messed me up for a while).

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