#BlogTour #TheNightMarket #DanielPembrey #NoExitPress

When Henk van der Pol is asked by the Justice Minister to infiltrate a team investigating an online child exploitation network, he can hardly say no - he's at the mercy of prominent government figures in The Hague. But he soon realises the case is far more complex than he was led to believe... Picking up from where The Harbour Master ended, this new investigation sees Detective Van der Pol once again put his life on the line as he wades the murky waters between right and wrong in his search for justice.
Sometimes, to catch the bad guys, you have to think like one. . .
It's an honour to be on the Blog Tour for Daniel Pembrey's Night Market today! Thanks to No Exit Press and Anne Cater for inviting me along!
What's even more exciting is that I have a guest post from the lovely CQ at No Exit Press who gets to join us on the "other side" for a change!
So I'm going to hand you straight over to CQ and let her tell you all about why she loves working with Daniel and why she loves his writing!
I’m delighted to join Daniel Pembrey’s Night Market blog tour – we editors don’t always get the chance to be involved in this fun stuff!
Should you ever happen to find yourself at one of the many fab UK crime festivals, such as Deal Noir, CrimeFest, or the mighty Bloody Scotland (at which Daniel was a spotlight author last year!), you’re sure to find him on stage, in the audience supporting his cohort of author friends, or even, dare I say it, propping up the bar - the sociable gent that he is!
In fact, this enthusiasm when it comes to supporting the crime-writing scene was how I first met Daniel: at a Waterstones Piccadilly event about European crime fiction, Daniel described his Amsterdam-inspired detective series to me, and I was instantly intrigued:
- Beautiful, atmospheric setting? Check.
- Plot with depth and sophistication? Check.
- Brilliant characterisation? Check.
Soon after, I read The Harbour Master and was totally gripped, and then became hooked on its sequel, Night Market, which is out now.
It’s not often that authors submit to No Exit with a second book in the pipeline practically ready to go. That’s where I believe this series is unique: both books investigate individual cases, but together they uncover one central, absorbing conspiracy (no spoilers!). The other thing that truly makes the Henk Van der Pol books stand out for me is their structure: each instalment is written in three parts, creating an episodic, almost filmic reading experience, from the motorcycle chases to the confrontations deep inside the forests. I could see the series doing so well on screen!
What I personally loved most about the stories was Daniel’s evocation of Amsterdam. He sure knows his subject matter, from the street names right through to the almost tangible pulse of the city.
As his detective, Henk Van der Pol, travels from Amsterdam to Rotterdam, London to Oslo, hot on the trail of his investigation, Daniel’s ability to capture a sense of place remains outstanding and, crucially, adds an all-important sense of authenticity to the narrative. Having been struck by this initially, I’m so glad that so many of his reviewers felt the same way!
It’s been a pleasure to work with Daniel on his books, not least because he’s such a positive-minded, proactive author. A publishing house really couldn’t ask for more than a writer with such willing and I know this has been a bonus for the publicity team. Daniel’s additional work as a journalist has put him in the perfect position to write around his subject and has made him an expert at writing short, stylish prose, both non-fiction and fiction. You only need to check out his other self-published novellas to see that: http://amzn.to/2oOR2ry
Night Market is available now, why not grab yourself a quiet spot, treat yourself to a drop of Henk Van der Pol’s favourite tipple (‘Jenever’ gin, never wrong...) and sink your teeth into this utterly absorbing thriller – you won’t put this one down in a hurry.
No Exit Press
Thanks so much CQ - I'm pretty sure anyone who has not read it will now be searching out Night Market and The Harbour Master and adding it to their TBR pile! Thanks for a great Guest Post CQ, and a little insight for us readers about the 'other side' of the book world!
The Night Market is published by No Exit Press April 2017.
To read my review of Daniel's first book The Harbour Master click here.

danielpembrey.com Daniel is also on Twitter @DPemb
To find out more about No Exit Press you can visit their website here noexit.co.uk or follow them on Twitter @noexitpress
Follow me at @KatherineSunde3 or visit my website bibliomaniacuk.co.uk
No Exit Press
Thanks so much CQ - I'm pretty sure anyone who has not read it will now be searching out Night Market and The Harbour Master and adding it to their TBR pile! Thanks for a great Guest Post CQ, and a little insight for us readers about the 'other side' of the book world!
The Night Market is published by No Exit Press April 2017.
To read my review of Daniel's first book The Harbour Master click here.

danielpembrey.com Daniel is also on Twitter @DPemb
To find out more about No Exit Press you can visit their website here noexit.co.uk or follow them on Twitter @noexitpress
Follow me at @KatherineSunde3 or visit my website bibliomaniacuk.co.uk
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