Koromcha or Caronda seed germination

Caranada is a perennial evergreen plant. It needs subtropical climate to available grow up.Its seed will be available in 3 weeks time.Caronda can be also termed as a ornamental plant.Its fruits are oval type.It is bushy  or small tree, with strong, simple or forked thorns in pairs. The plant attain a height of 6-10ft. It is met with throughout India, Burma, Ceylon and Malacca, mostly on sandy or rocky soil in a wild state. Leaves are evergreen, elliptic, or oval, opposite, dark green, leathery, glossy, on the upper surface, light green on under side.It is sometimes cultivated for its fruit.


Season: Perennial

Height:1 to 2 meters
Environment: Full sun
Soil Type: Loamy, well-drained, pH 6.1 - 7.8
Average Germ Time: 14 - 21 days
Depth: 1/4 inch

Moisture: Keep seeds moist until germination


Step 1

Use a flat seedling tray and its deep will be 5 centimeter. Make sure you have plenty of holes in it for good water drainage.

Step 2

As the seeds are perfect in size then you can put the seeds over it by 1/3 after that cover the seeds with seedling mix only about 1 cm (one centimeter).

Step 3
 Take equal quantity of sand, soil and vermicompost. Then  mix all the three ingredients into one container.

Step 4
Sprinkle diluted fungicide water (2gm in 1 liter water) after sowing the seeds.Be careful about putting the seed because seeds will not to go deep inside the mixture.

 Step 5
 Thereafter  spreed the Caronda  seeds on the mixture.Make sure that the water must be mixed with diluted fungicide powder.It is very important  notice to follow that the seeds will not to go very deep inside the mixture by speeding water on the seed, if it happen then the fertilization of the seeds are become difficult.

Step 6
Minimum  warm, above 60ºF (15.5ºC),is needed inside the container and it should be placed in sunny area.After that the whole thing should be covered with a poly bag and after 21 days later the plastic can be removed.

The plant is grown from seed sown in August and September. Vegetative propagation also is practiced in the form of budding and inarching. Cuttings may also succeed. The first monsoon shower is planting time. Plants raised from seed start bearing two years after planting. Flowering starts in February and in Eastern  India the fruit ripens from May to Jully.The unripe fruit is sour and astringent, and is used for pickles. The ripe fruit is sweet, deible and particularly suitable for tarts and puddings and jellies.

WATER: Water requirement of Karonda is very low. Irrigation after planting and manuring is essential. Plantation once established does not need much water. However, if there is no rain during the development of fruit, one irrigation may be given. This will increase the fruit size.


Many of these germinate readily at warm temperatures, and can be sown direct to the garden or early in the greenhouse or cold frame. If started early, they often bloom the first year. Others germinate best at cool or cold temperatures and the seedlings need cool temperatures. Many have various dormancy and need the pre-treatment indicated.

These often need very warm temperatures. Bottom heat and constant moisture are often beneficial. Some take surprisingly long times to germinate. Many people think all tropical seeds are short-lived and perishable, but many of the longest-lived seeds are tropical, and some even need to be aged dry for a year before they will germinate!


Many seeds do well sown direct to ordinary garden soil, but even good soil may be poor in pots or flats. These need a lighter, looser soil. Most commercial mixes are fine, but the addition of some garden soil and compost will often insure adequate beneficial micro-organisms and fungi, A good soil mix can be made at home from 1/3 garden loam, 1/3 peat or compost, and 1/3 gritty sand. Number 1 limestone chick-grit makes a good top dressing for many alpines or slow germinating seed to discourage algae growth. Crushed charcoal also helps.


Karonda have the following benefits-

1.It provides comfort during Diarrhea.

2.It mitigates cough.

3.koromcha helps to stop internal bleeding.

4.It is a cardio tonic for body. Thus it regulates heart function to avoid heart diseases.

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