Staying Happy and Confident After a C-Section

Just that you thought you had a perfect pregnancy being healthy, fit, and in great shape; and you were all ready to survive labor and the normal delivery of your baby, things changed in the last minute and you were convinced for an emergency c-section. Your hopes were shattered and your life turned upside down with those horrifying thoughts of carrying a big scar underneath your layers, and who knows what else?

If you are one of the lucky ones who bounced back to your original body, then hats off to you. But if you are like most mamas out there, who are hiding many emotions beneath their clothes, and battling every day with those lingering scars and remaining of that “major surgery” of your lifetime, then we know we have too many things to share- that nobody will ever tell you before getting pregnant.

Loving your postpartum body just as the way you loved yourself, before stepping into motherhood is a crucial task for every woman. But very few accept themselves and love their body with faults. Know that for most of the women, their body and size never goes back to pre-baby life, especially if you have had a Caesarean delivery.

There are few things about a planned or an unplanned post Caesarean childbirth that you would like to be aware of! Here’s some of what you can expect if you have a baby by c-section:
  1. Things don’t always go according to plan with childbirth. So there are chances you may end up having a planned or a forced Caesarean due to breech or any other reasons.
  2.  Your body may never go back to your pre-baby body, and you may totally feel disfigured.
  3. Your hips may remain wider and breasts larger than your usual size forever, and no more “perkier.”
  4.  The numbness around your scar site will always remind of what you went through. The scar might freak you out. But don’t fret and feel good in this mom body.
  5.  Negative feelings like; guilt, stress, doubts, fear, depression, and anxiety will take more time than usual to settle and or fade.
  6.  There may be changes in the size of your feet. They may grow a little bigger than your pre-pregnancy size.
  7.  Flat tummy? May be never; or not that flat as it was before you became a mummy.
  8.  We may have to always carry that saggy loose skin, sitting right below the navel; and you my never fit into your favorite skinny/ low-rise jeans again.
  9.  Recovery may take longer than usual.

These are some unappreciated truths about a post-baby body. But still with all these; accept yourself, love yourself, and marvel over what you are capable of with this new mamma body. There’s no going back from here, so why feel bad about it? Self-acceptance is the key. So why not own new clothes and designs that can flatter your mum body and you can still look prettier and confident. You’re a blessed mum now, who has created a beautiful miracle. So feel good about it and stay happy.

Tell us about your emotional journey and experience after having a Caesarean childbirth in the comments below

About The Author:
Epsita Mahapatra is a mom, wife, blogger and a writer who loves books, fashion, food, writing, photography and to inspire everyone with her writings. She writes about style, fashion, positive attitude, positive living and finding possibilities. Find her @  

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