Good Deeds

A Good Deed
Tim’s stomach was churning again. Clutching his abdomen tightly, Tim weaved his way through the crowded shopping mall frantically trying to locate the nearest toilet. The shopping mall was like packed snow with shoppers milling around. The whole shopping mall was like a jamboree for children and adults. Jovial chatters filled the air, while some families had babies bawling at the top of their voices. The synergy of the boisterous crowd and the merriment all around was making Tim feel horrible. He felt like he was stuck in a maze. With each passing second, Tim’s stomach churned more violently increasing his urgency for the loo.
Tim broke into a run the minute he saw the toilet sign. Running as fast as his legs could carry him, Tim dashed into the fist vacant cubicle. Almost literally ripping his pants off him, Tim finally found relief. When he got his act together, he rushed out of the miniscule space all ready to hit the arcade. As he was washing his hands, suddenly “ring… ring… ring…” a familiar sound reverberated through the empty toilet. Tim craned his neck high and low to locate the source of the sound. Then he found it! A brand new mobile phone, vibrating and ringing away in one of the cubicles. It was the phone that Tim was saving up for.
Staring at his fortunate find, Tim contemplated seriously. Knitting his brows together earnestly, Tim weighed out his conscience and his desire to nick the phone for himself. Just then, the little gadget came alive with its lively ringtones again.
After some major dithering, Tim decided to do the right thing. “Hello, hello may I know who is on the line?” a fretful voice spoke. Tim explained politely that he had found the phone and was now in the toilet. The other party heaved a sigh of relief and thanked Tim copiously for responding. Tim offered to meet the mobile phone’s owner at the information counter of the shopping mall.  
A dashing gentleman appeared and walked towards Tim in steady strides to claim his phone. Tim handed over the phone with only a slight tinge of disinclination in him. The gentleman was so relieved to have his mobile phone back that he gave Tim a reward of $100, thanking Tim for being a boy of integrity. Tim beamed a proud grin and his stomach seemed to have miraculously recovered too. Now he was really all ready to hit the arcade for his favourite games.  
What the words and phrases mean…
stomach was churning
feeling queasy in the stomach
clutching his abdomen tightly
holding the stomach area tightly
weaved his way through the crowded shopping mall
walked in a threading manner in and out of a crowd
like packed snow with shoppers milling around
crowded with people shopping around
event filled with activities and entertainment
jovial chatters filled the air
cheerful sounds of people talking
bawling at the top of their voices
crying and screaming loudly
synergy of the boisterous crowd and the merriment all around
the mixture of a lively crowd and people having fun
stomach churnedviolently
a very bad stomach-ache
urgency for the loo
the immediate need to use a toilet
running as fast as his legs could carry him
running very fast
got his act together
regained composure
miniscule space
a very tiny area of space
hit the arcade
to go to a place filled with electronic games
sound reverberated
sound echoed
craned his neck high and low
stretched one’s neck when looking for something
contemplated seriously
thought over a decision seriously
knitting his brows together earnestly
frowning in deep thoughts
weighed out his conscience and his desire
measured his sense of right and wrong against his needs
little gadget came alive
small electronic device activated; a ringing mobile phone
after some major dithering
having hesitation
thanked Tim copiously
thanked Tim profusely
a dashing gentleman
a very handsome man
walked towards Tim in steady strides
walked confidently in the direction of Tim
a slight tinge of disinclination
a sense of reluctance
being a boy of integrity
an honest boy
beamed a proud grin
smiled proudly

Using Wits to deal with Aunt Abigail
The stream of sun rays filtered through the curtains showering my bedroom in its brilliance. I stretched my arms and lazed in bed. It was the first day of school holidays, the first day of a whole week of fun and freedom. I could sleep late every day and laze all I want. There were no more tests or examinations to worry about. I smiled like a Cheshire cat lapping a bowl of milk.  
Whistling my favourite tune, I made my way downstairs for breakfast. My happiness was short-lived when I saw a familiar face sitting at the breakfast table with my mother. It was my mother’s sister, Aunt Abigail. Horror struck me! Aunt Abigail was a nightmare to be with. She was a bespectacled thin wiry woman. Her hair was constantly pulled into a tight little bun at the back of her nape. However what I disliked most was her high-pitched nasal voice.
“There you are, Jeanie. Aunt Abigail is here to visit us,” my mother’s voice rang out with a tinge of warning. “She’s going to be staying with us for a week. You’ll be sharing your room with her so make sure she’s comfortable.” No! My head spun and I felt cornered. I opened my mouth to protest but the look my mother shot me was sufficient in cutting me off. With that, the two of them continued drinking their tea and I knew I had been dismissed. I padded out of the house not believing that this was happening to me. My holidays were ruined. Just then I had a brainwave. My face lit up in delight as my impish mind formulated a plan.
I avoided Aunt Abigail for the entire day till bedtime. When she sashayed into my room, I was ready for her. “Oh my, why is your room so warm? What happened to the air-conditioner?” Aunt Abigail grumbled in her perpetual complaining tone. In a saccharine voice, I sweetly explained to her that the air-conditioner had broken down and gestured to the leaking pipes. Then I suggested a shower to cool her off. Grumbling under her breath, Aunt Abigail shuffled into the bathroom. “Argh! Why is the water cold? Where’s the hot water?” her shrill shrieks rang out from within the bathroom. I apologised fervently to Aunt Abigail and explained that the heater was down too. Being such a stifling night, I thought she would have enjoyed the refreshing cold water.
Aunt Abigail was oblivious to my explanation. She stormed out of my room, towing her bags in her wake. My plan had worked! I danced a little victory dance in my room and patted myself on my shoulders. Hopefully, Aunt Abigail would not return for a long, long time.
What the words and phrases mean…
sun rays filtered through the curtains
sunlight passed through the curtains
lazed in bed
to be lazy and stay in bed
smiled like a Cheshire cat lapping a bowl of milk
a fictional cat with a broad smile on its face; to show satisfaction
happiness was short-lived
joy that did not last
a nightmare to be with
difficult to get along with
bespectacled thin wiry woman
a thin and lean woman wearing glasses
high-pitched nasal voice
sharp voice that is produced through the nose
a tinge of warning
a hint of caution
felt cornered
felt trapped
cutting me off
breaking the line of communication
ceased to be of consideration
had a brainwave
had an idea
face lit up in delight
face brightened in happiness
impish mind
to think mischievously
formulated a plan
came up with a plan
walked in a showy manner
lasting for a long time
saccharine voice
excessively sweet voice
walked with feet sliding against the floor
apologised fervently
said sorry with great emotion and zest
stifling night
very hot and stuffy night
stormed out
walked out in an angry manner
towing her bags in her wake
pulling her bags behind her

The Dog Edward Saved
The evening sky was overcast in a mixture of purple and red clouds. Thunder rumbled softly in a distance, signalling imminent rain. Despite that Edward was still in high spirits as it was Friday. Edward was looking forward to spending his weekend with his new PSP games. He hastened his steps as a gentle drizzle started to fall from the sky.
As the rain got heavier, Edward opted for the shortcut home. He decided to cut through the quiet back alley of the old shophouses. Not wanting to be soaked to the skin, Edward broke into a run. Suddenly, a distinctively ferocious bark resounded in the dark alley. “Woof! Grrrr! Woof! Woof!” Edward froze on the spot. Fear pulsated in him. His heart palpitated against his ribs. The growl escalated to an ominous snarl. Edward’s palms turned clammy as his legs started trembling uncontrollably. Merciless rain started pouring down in torrents. Edward was caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. It was either he ventured forward valiantly to run all the way home or he could back out of the alley. A deafening thunder jolted Edward out of his momentous stupor and he raced forward, sprinting like an Olympic athlete.
When he was confronted with the source of the threatening snarl, Edward was shocked. It was a small Jack Russell. The poor animal was stuck. Blood stained its furry hind legs that were caught in between the openings of a rusty drain cover. On seeing Edward, it flashed its most intimidating defence for itself, its teeth. Thinking on his toes, Edward shrugged off his school bag in a bid to win the dog’s trust. Then he bent down very slowly, inching his arms forward in a comforting manner and crooning softly. He gently stroked the dog’s body giving it assurance. The Jack Russell’s malicious snarl softened to a whine. Edward knew he had finally won its trust. He set about to try to free the poor dog’s hind legs. Rain pelted down heavily on both man and animal, both were thoroughly drenched. After a tedious struggle, Edward succeeded in freeing the trapped animal. He took out his P.E. t-shirt and wrapped the injured dog gingerly.
When he reached home, his mother was all set to give him an earful. However, the sight of the poor animal saved Edward from a stern reproach. They called the SPCA and the dog was collected from Edward’s house to be treated. Edward would forever remember that particular rainy Friday.  
What the words and phrases mean…
evening sky was overcast in a mixture of purple and red clouds
cloudy evening sky
thunder rumbled softly
low sound of thunder
imminent rain
rain is about to come
hastened his steps
increased speed of walking
gentle drizzle
light rain
opted for
chose to
soaked to the skin
totally wet due to being caught in the rain
distinctively ferocious
obviously behaving in a fierce manner
froze on the spot
remained motionless due to shock
fear pulsated in him
felt very frightened
heart palpitated against his ribs
heart beat very fast due to fear
growl escalated to an ominous snarl
a bark that became louder and fiercer
palms turned clammy
sweaty hands due to being frightened
merciless rain started pouring down in torrents
rain falling heavily
caught between the devil and the deep blue sea
caught in between two difficult situations
ventured forward valiantly
moved forward bravely
momentous stupor
in a serious trance
sprinting like an Olympic athlete
running as fast as a professional runner in a competition
came face to face
most intimidating defence
putting up the most powerful protection
thinking on his toes
shrugged off
removed an object from one’s shoulder
giving it assurance
providing security
rain pelted down heavily
rained heavily
tedious struggle
a great effort to accomplish a tough mission
all set to give him an earful
all prepared to scold someone
a stern reproach
a strict lecture

A Heroic Act
“Come and buy things from here! $2 for a shirt! Come here, come here! Cheapest bargain in the world!” the hawker was shouting at the top of his voice, trying to attract the passers-by to buy his items.
My elder brother and I were visiting the night market. It was his day off from his hectic job as a policeman. We meandered through the crowd hunting for mouth-watering food and great bargains. My elder brother was munching on the delicious Chinese sausage while I was happily eating my favourite food, Chinese herbal eggs. While savouring our food, we spied a middle-aged woman bargaining with the hawker over a second-hand radio. I shook my head in amazement. I could never understand why Singaporeans are so ‘kiasu’. They always want to spend less money and save more.
As we made our way further into the boisterous crowd, the noise reached a deafening level just like that in a wet market with the meat and vegetable sellers shouting, trying to sell their products. Suddenly, my brother dumped his half-eaten sausage into my hands and ran off like the wind. I was flabbergasted. Then I realised that he was running towards a young teenager. The young teenager had small beady eyes which were darting from side to side. He was stealthily stretching his hand into a woman’s bag to get the purse in it!
“Police! Stop there!” my elder brother exclaimed. When the young teenager saw my brother running towards him, he wasted no time in escaping. He hunched his narrow sloping shoulders and weaved through the crowd. My brother was undeterred and was hot on his heels. Other policemen patrolling around the market heard the commotion and joined in the chase. I always wanted to be a policeman. Seeing this golden opportunity to catch some real-life action, I followed them without hesitation.
My brother and the policemen chased the young teenager down a narrow lane and cornered him at a dead end. I could see the teenager trembling as the police got closer. Beads of cold sweat dotted his forehead when he realised he was done for. In desperation, the teenage boy grabbed a pole lying on the ground and started swinging and hitting wildly. Everyone tried to jump out of harm’s way. My brother and another policeman managed to pounce on the teenage boy. In the midst of the scuffle, I saw the policeman drop his pistol! The teenage boy dived for the pistol and pointed it at the nearest man. It was my brother!
“No!” I screamed in anguish. “Click, click, click...” the trigger sounded ominously as the teenager struggled with it haplessly. The other policeman swiftly rounded on the teenager and pinned him to the ground. Fortunately, the safety clasp of the pistol was engaged so no harm was done to my brother. It was certainly a close shave. I was immensely relieved and thoroughly inspired to be a great policeman myself in the future.    
What the words and phrases mean…
shouting at the top of his voice
shouting as loud as he could
hectic job
a very busy job
meandered through the crowd
strolled through the crowd
mouth-watering food
very delicious food
savouring our food
slowly enjoying the taste of the food
caught sight of
boisterous crowd
noisy crowd
noise reached a deafening level
became extremely noisy
at a loss for words
small beady eyes
small, round and shiny eyes
(eyes) darting from side to side
looking around swiftly
wasted no time in escaping
did not hesitate to run away
hunched his narrow sloping shoulders
thin shoulders which were bent
weaved through the crowd
moved forward in a zigzag manner
not put off
hot on his heels
to be close behind
seeing this golden opportunity
realising that the time is suitable
cornered him at a dead end
to be closed into a place with no other way out
beads of cold sweat dotted his forehead
a nervous reaction
done for
doomed for death or destruction
in desperation
in a state when all hope is lost
jump out of harm’s way
to stay away from danger
in the midst of the scuffle
in the middle of a fight
dived for the pistol
pounced on the gun
screamed in anguish
shouted in agony
rounded on
turned on and attacked
interlocked and meshed
close shave
a narrow escape
immensely relieved
extremely glad
thoroughly inspired
totally motivated

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