What is a plot?

The plot in a composition is the storyline along which your composition follows. It is important to plan before you write your composition so that you can see for yourself that your composition is progressing in the right direction and not going out of point. Your plot must be very entertaining in order to keep the reader interested. Your story must rise above the mundane so as to achieve the highest merits. Seems like an impossible task? Not at all!

Three Steps to a Good Story:

Step 1-Read and Understand the scenario/ picture given to you. Pick out the key words/ events in the question and the situation before you start planning.

 Determine:
1. the place
2. the situation
3. the characters/ people (the most important)

Step 2- Brainstorm for all possible plots/ storylines. For each and every situation given, we can imagine a number of different possible personas, scenarios and outcomes. List them down. During brainstorming, do not be afraid to write down anything that comes to mind-ANYTHING!

Step 3- Always plan beforehand. Planning allows us to get an overview of the whole story before we even begin to write! This allows us to check for loop-holes, fallacies and inconsistencies. Remember, planning helps you to see the logic in your composition.

A good composition always makes sense. Keep in mind that your plot has to be logical and plausible as this would make your story credible. Credible stories are much treasured by readers and teachers alike.

 Planning:
1) Pick a persona from your list.
2) Think of an introduction.
3) Think of the logical order of events (main body)
4) Think of a possible conclusion.

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