Main Ideas

Whole Text Study         
Main Ideas

Read the text in the following boxes. Write a warning for people travelling on the MRT based on what you have read.

The third rail carries 750V DC of power, which is three times more than the electrical supply in your own home. That is why there are signs warning people not to go onto the tracks. Apart from getting run over, you could get electrocuted.


People always try to rush into the train at the last moment, even when they see the doors closing. If the door slammed shut, someone would get hurt.


In the early years of the MRT, an inconsiderate person stuck his used chewing gum on an MRT door. The door could not close, so the train could not move.


Passengers kept accidentally dropping things that ended up getting caught in the groove of the MRT doorways. The doors need to slide along the groove to close, so dropped items can jam the doors.


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