Composition Vocabulary Power

Word Power

1.       His body shook violently from side to side. Blood and froth gurgled freely from his mouth. His hands were cold and clammy and his face contorted in a picture of pure pain. I could only watch as the paramedics took him away…
2.       Everything was like a competition between us. His hate for me grew each time I”won” and likewise mine for him, each time he did. Our rivalry knew no bounds.
3.       But now, he seemed to have changed. His face was thinner, his step had lost its aggressiveness and his voice was no longer strong. As I looked at him, I even felt a certain sympathy for him.
4.       The tattooed snake on his forearm seemed to come alive. He was almost shouting. I looked into his dark, inscrutable eyes and all the warmth I had in me vanished. He was still the same cruel, savage beast he had always been.
5.       “You will be my maid. You will clean my mansion, serve me food and lick my boots! And in exchange, you wcan have my heart to save your son. You see, I will die a contented man knowing I had the last laugh.” The audacity of it all! It took all I had to keep me in my seat and stop me from punching his face. Then I saw the expression on my son’s face, purple from the lack of oxygen, trying to call out my name. I heard my wife’s voice, her last dying wish, “Please …please…look after our son.”
6.       I cleaned and cooked and served with subservience, catering to Huat Cai’s every single whim and fancy. During that week, I learnt the meaning of shame.
7.       Not once did he show any remorse. Not once did he feel sympathy. Not once did I even see the slightest show of emotion that could prove he was human. But I never complained. Even as he whipped me and kicked me and spat at me, I knew his offer was too good to pass.
8.       I thought of my son all the time.  I thought of the things we could do together, I thought of the fun we would have and I thought of his lovely smile. I knew that no matter what, I had to fulfil my part of the bargain.
9.       Huat Cai pulled out a large silver pistol, cocked it, stood up, and aimed it at himself and screamed with all his might. “This will be my final victory over you! I am the winner!”
10.   When the coroner performed the autopsy on Huat Cai, he found the cause of death was three bullets straight through the heart. “What a waste of a good heart.”

Train Crash
1.       The sky was overcast. Dark clouds loomed high giving the sky an ominous feel as though rain would come crashing through any time soon.
2.       The next six hours was sheer mental torture.
3.       However, thoughts of seeing Grandpa and all my favourite cousins warmed my heart, making this all well worth it.
4.       A sudden explosion followed by an earth-shattering jerk shook through the entire train.
5.       Everyone was thrown off their seats as the train tilted perilously to its side.
6.       Chaos reigned in the train as passengers flew into a panic.
7.       The train had come to a full halt. My train had run off its track.
8.       A glance outside to the once picturesque sights of calm hills filled with greenery was now a major nightmare.
9.       To keep my balance was like attempting mission impossible.
10.   People were going berserk just to save their own lives.
11.   There was no time to spare. Anxiety charged through my veins.
12.   With all my might, I heaved that luggage at the window smashing it.
13.   The sight that greeted me challenged my sanity.
14.   Women were screaming, children were crying and men were bellowing above the din for their wives and children.
15.   Dead bodies were strewn everywhere.
16.   I groped my way through the turmoil and destruction.
17.   The rescue team reached the crash site at record time.
18.   I was whisked away to one of the hospitals to be treated.

A Car Collision
1. His spirits were immediately buoyed by the prospect of a weekend of relaxation.
2. walking along a hectic road to head home from school
3. His eyes went saucer-wide when he realized that an accident had occurred at the traffic  junction.
4. A commotion of crowd had gathered in no time.
5. Acrid white fumes were ascending into the sky, shattered glass tinged with blood was scattered along the road.
6. Metal crumpled into a heap from the sheer force of the collision.

A Car Accident
When he drove past a petrol station, a huge rectangle poster caught his eyes. ’10 percent discount’, the bright red words on an equally bright orange background were crying for his attention. He turned to read the words in smaller print. He did not notice a car ahead of him. When he did, he jammed his brakes. The tyres screeched but the car did not stop.
He pressed the brakes harder. Too late. Bam! Clash! Crash! Clash! His car shook and vibrated. His body slumped forward. He gripped the steering wheel. His heart pounded. Beads of perspiration had formed on his forehead. A thousand pieces of broken glasses from the smashed windscreen lay scattered on the road, broken, sparkling and glittering like diamonds.

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