Countdown to Germany - day 2

Wow I had forgotten how hard tapering is. When you go from working hard to ticking along it is easy to get carried away with your training.

After all its been nearly a year since my last taper as that was pre Outlaw in July 2013.

Now before anybody comments about tapering for such a short race. This isn't just any race. This is me representing my country and I want reach that start line in the best state possible. So that I can race the best race that I possibly can.

#runboss set me an easy run or easy bike today. I used my initiative and decided on an easy bike followed by an easy run so I could practice my transition ahead of my races next month.

So my easy bike. I went out for about an hour and averaged 18.3mph. My average HR was 131 which was in my recovery zone as planned. My HR only peaked at 145bpm so my effort was relatively consistent. I struggled to hold myself back on the bike as I was feeling really strong but today was not about training hard.

I quickly changed into my trainers and set off on my run.  The plan was for me to run a 20 minute out and back course in my recovery zone.

With the speed of my transition I forgot about zone one and set off a bit too hard. My HR peaked at 160bpm before I remembered about zone one. This was 5bpm over what it should have been. After slowing but trying to keep a cadence of around 90 my HR stabilised.

I had to run within myself today as my legs felt good. If I didn't concentrate my HR drifted above 155bpm as my speed increased. I found this really hard. Over the 20 minutes my HR drifted above 155bpm on four occasions before I remembered to dial it back.

I turned after 10 minutes having completed 1.2 miles. My return leg was 1.1 miles and I stopped after the prescribed 20 minute duration had passed. My average HR was 155bpm which is at the top end of zone one but still within zone one (just) and my average pace was 8:41/mile which is quick for a run in my recovery zone.

All in all a good days training. Bring on Germany in 5 days.


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