The Go-To Core Finishers
Happy New Year! 2014 is going to be an excellent year to get fit and stay fit. I’ve created a wonderful “go-to core finisher!” just for you!
Here are THREE core exercises....
Exercise 1: Plank
How to plank:
- While lying on your stomach, your elbows will be placed under your shoulders.
- Lift your body up and maintain a neutral spine by contracting your core and glutes.
- Keep your body strong and keep breathing!
3 sets of :30 seconds...too easy? Try 3 sets of 1:00 seconds
Starting Position |
Movement Position |
How To Dead Bug:
- Lying on your back, bring both legs and arms up straight
- Moving the left leg and left arm out in the opposite direction outward, then return to starting position.
- Once returned, move the right leg and right arm out in the opposite direction outward, then return to starting position. Now alternate from left sides and to the right side.
- Tips: Keep your core tight, and back pressed against the floor.
3 sets of 20 total (ten each side)
Starting Position |
Movement Position |
How to do Ball Roll Outs
- Using a small physio ball, begin in starting position by kneeling and staying upright. You want your body to be straight with glutes and core tight.
- In a smooth movement, roll out. Then return.
- Tips: You want to feel this in your core, not back. If you are feeling it in your back, squeeze your core upright, and focus on not letting your back curve. Don't "land on the ball." Your body and body weight should be off the ball and only your elbows are touching.
3 sets of 8
Want more tips or exercises? We are here to help! Email or stop by and meet our Personal Training staff here at the Upper Valley Aquatic Center.
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