18 laps of "loneliness"

I don’t want the title to put you off this blogpost but I thought it about time I updated you on my progress at track.

Despite being the slowest runner at the track in Doncaster (hence the title of this post), the support I receive on a weekly basis is amazing.

Let’s take last night for instance.

The main set was 1 rep of 1600m with 2 minutes rest, 6 reps of 800m with 90 seconds rest and 1 final rep of 1600m.

I set off with the slower runners and by half way round the first lap I was on my own. Now do you see where the loneliness comes from? I had 1400m of running to do on my own. The faster runners overtook me and muttered words of encouragement as they did. I soldiered on and completed the 1600m in 7 minutes and 50 seconds. I could have gone quicker but saved something for the rest of the workout as it was one of the longest workouts I have been to.

When I completed my 4 laps, I had about 30 seconds of recovery before the faster of the slow runners set off on their first rep of 800m. They set off and I stayed in place ensuring I had the prescribed rest of 2 minutes. After my two minutes were up I set off on my first rep of 800. Again on my own but being encouraged whenever I was overtaken or passed a resting group.

This continued through reps 2-6 and the further back I got the more encouragement I received. Some runners even appeared to extend their rests to encourage me on my way and for that I am eternally grateful. This is one of the reasons I love the group at the track. They are such a tight knit community and want their compatriots to succeed.

I missed one lap of 400m on reps 3 and 6 as I was starting to struggle. Holding sub 8 min mile pace after a day at work is something I find difficult. So in total I completed 18 of the prescribed 20 laps around the track and I bloody loved it.

Three months ago I could never have believed that I was capable of running sub 8 min mile pace consistently. Going to track has made me such a stronger runner and I urge people to go down to their local track to reap the rewards that are available through hard work.

Three months ago I struggled to do 12 lots of 400m which is 12 laps, in fact I only completed 7 of the prescribed 12 laps and most of those were half laps. So as you can see the fact I completed 90% of the set show how much improvement I have made.

Yes each week it is tough hanging on at the back but I am getting better and if I have the mental fortitude to slog out these tough sessions out then so do you. After all I’m a 15 stone ex smoker who has only been running for under 18 months.

So thanks to everyone at track last night, all 36 of you for helping me improve as a runner. Thanks for the encouragement. You have no idea how motivating it is to me. It keeps me going when I really start to struggle.

I even received my own personal grand stand finish as all 35 of the other runners where at the finish of my 18th lap to encourage me home.

Thanks for reading,

Michael AKA Blogger

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