How to Get Rid of Dark Spots on Face: Best Natural Remedies for Removing Dark Spots
Get Rid of Dark Spots on Face
Dark spots on the face can be embarrassing and unsightly. Dark spots on skin are the result of the overproduction of melanin or skin pigment in certain areas of the skin. The most common cause of dark spots on the skin is the overexposure to the UV rays from the sun. Dark spots, also known as age spots or hyperpigmentation, can occur anywhere on the skin, but they are most common on skin that is often exposed to sunlight, such as the face, neck, hands, and legs. There are many over-the-counter remedies such as bleaching creams and alpha hydroxy products that will help eliminate these dark spots on skin. You can also try DIY remedies to get rid of dark spots on face if you prefer less expensive, gentler methods.Best Natural Remedies for Dark Spot Removal
For dark spots on skin that are not cancerous, there are some natural remedies that you can use to get rid of dark spots on face at home.1. Exfoliate your skin at least twice a week. This will remove dead skin cells and gradually reveal lighter skin underneath. Exfoliating with baking soda helps skin turn over, thus helping to fade dark spots and blemishes. Mix 3 tablespoons of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of warm water in a bowl. Use a clean finger to stir the ingredients until a soft paste forms. Massage the baking soda scrub to the face in gentle circular motions for a few minutes and rinse with warm water and pat dry with a clean towel.
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2. Using apple cider vinegar and onion juice is thought to be one of the most effective home remedies that help to get rid of age spots and sun spots. You should mix apple cider vinegar with onion juice and apply this mixture directly to the skin spots with a cotton pad. Leave this dark spot remover on your skin for minimum half an hour and as long as you can feel comfortable with it. If you repeat this dark spot removal treatment once a day for about 6 weeks, you should notice gradual improvement in your dark skin patches.
4. Lactic acid is a skin bleaching as well as exfoliating agent. Buttermilk can be used for removing dark spots on face, hands, neck, and legs. Dab buttermilk on the dark spots. Buttermilk contains lactic acid that has a gentle peeling effect which lightens skin without irritating. Another option is to mix four teaspoons of buttermilk and two teaspoons of tomato juice together and then apply this mixture on the affected skin. This homemade dark spot removal remedy will help you reduce dark spots on face naturally.
5. Lemon juice is an effective natural dark spot corrector. It is a natural mild bleaching agent and brightener that can be used to fade brown spots caused by too much sun exposure and to lighten up skin discoloration. Take the fresh juice of lemon and dip some cotton wool in it. Pat your face with the cotton. It can be applied at full strength to any blemishes or freckles at night and should not be rinsed off until morning.
6. Aloe vera is one of the best herbs that act as a dark spot corrector. If you have dark spots on your hands, face and other places on the skin, you can apply pure aloe juice to the affected skin. Regular application of this natural dark spot remover will fade dark spots on skin.
7. Papaya is another best natural dark spot remover. Papaya is a natural exfoliant because it contains the enzyme papain. Papain encourages new skin cell production and may also inhibit the enzyme tyrosinase, which pigment-producing skin cells use to make melanin. With lesser melanin levels there in skin cells, its ability to produce pigment-altering cells will also be lessened.
8. Honey is effective for removing dark spots on face. Take a teaspoon of honey with wheat germ powder and mix these well to form an even paste. Apply this dark spot remover on the affected skin to get rid of dark spots on face naturally and fast.
9. Castor oil is famed for its skin healing properties including fading dark spots, whether acne spots or age spots. A mixture of Vitamin E oil and castor oil when applied on pigmented areas also considered good to cure dark skin spots.
10. Garbanzo beans are a natural treatment that will lighten the skin without over bleaching it. Rub mashed garbanzo beans onto the dark patches on skin. They break down melanin overproduction, allowing the skin pigmentation to distribute evenly and fade brown spots.
11. Another well-known method of removing dark spots and dark skin discoloration is to prepare a mixture by adding sour milk, cream, and honey. Apply this natural homemade dark spot corrector on your face every day for about 10 minutes and you will notice that the dark patches are gone naturally.
12. Horseradish is a fantastic herb that acts as the best dark spot corrector. It helps remove age spots, freckles, and brown dots on your skin. Applying a mixture of horseradish juice and warm milk is one of the best homemade remedies that can help reduce brown spots on skin naturally.
13. Catecholase is a potent skin lightening substance found in many skin bleaching products. Catecholase is found in potato juice and it will help lighten dark spots. Apply a face mask made of raw grated potatoes on your face and leave it on for about 10 minutes to help diminish brown spots. You’ll have to apply this natural remedy daily for a few weeks to get best results.
14. Prepare a homemade dark spot remover using milk and oatmeal. Apply this paste to the affected skin and gently massage in a circular motion for 5 minutes. Let the oatmeal mixture dry for about 30 to 60 minutes. This dark spot remover mask works as a skin exfoliating agent so that the black spots could fade if applied regularly.
15. Mix some rose water in sandalwood powder to make a paste and apply the beneficial mixture on the dark brown spots on face and neck with the help of a cotton ball, 2 times a day. Application of this homemade dark spot remover will eliminate brown spots or age spots on your skin.
16. You can also mix equal parts of aloe vera gel with lemon juice to get rid of dark spots on face. Regular application of this natural remedy will help you get rid of dark flaky skin patches and freckles and will help keep the skin smooth and healthy.
17. Mix lemon juice, orange juice, red currant juice, and natural parsley juice at equal volumes and apply on your skin. Applying this homemade dark spot remover on the face daily will help you in getting rid of brown spots on face fast.
18. You can also try red currants to get rid of brown spots on face. Mix together one-fourth a cup of mashed unripe red currants and one tablespoon of pure honey. Apply this homemade dark spot corrector on your face. Leave it on for about half an hour and then gently wipe off with a damp wash cloth or wash it off with lukewarm water.
19. Regular application of Shea butter helps to remove dark spots on face. Shea butter remedy also helps to thoroughly cleanse and moisturize skin and leave it feeling soft. If Shea butter is not obtainable, you can use Shea butter lotions and creams to remove dark spots from the face.
20. Direct sun-rays are the main cause for the brown spots to appear on the skin. Therefore, in order to prevent the brown spots from appearing on your face, make sure your moisturizing lotions and creams have some sort of sunscreen in them.
Home remedies for dark spots on face are very useful and completely safe ways to remove age spots, black circles under your eyes, acne scars, freckles or other types of dark spots on your face. Use these natural remedies and get rid of dark spots on face naturally and briskly.
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