How to Get Rid of Liver Spots (Age Spots): 10 Best Natural Home Remedies for Liver Spot Removal

How to Get Rid Of Age Spots

Liver spots, age spots, or solar lentigines, are flat, gray, brown or black spots that typically appear on the face, hands, or neck of people over the age of 40. Age spots or liver spots are the result of a gradual accumulation of the dark pigment melanin in the skin. Age spots and other brown spots on skin are also a result of free radical damage within the body. They are caused by overexposure to the sun's damaging ultraviolet rays. Liver spots or age spots are more common in people with thin skin. Age spot removal is possible with medical treatment and natural home remedies. People always look to natural remedies for the answer to how to get rid of liver spots. There exist plenty of effective home remedies for brown spots that can be beneficial for removing age spots on skin naturally. Prevent or reduce the appearance of age spots or liver spots with these natural home remedies for liver spot removal.

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Best Natural Home Remedies for Age Spot Removal

Age spots plague many people as we age. However, if you have the right ingredients, these small, brown spots or marks that appear on your skin can be controlled without spending a fortune in the process. Home remedies are a great way to get rid of age spots. You can find some natural home remedies for age spot removal right in your kitchen. Here are some home remedies to get rid of liver spots or age spots naturally and effectively.


1. Liver spots occur most frequently on those areas of the body that receive the most sun exposure. Avoiding sum exposure can help to prevent additional sun damage. Wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF level in areas of sun exposure such as the face, neck, hands and arms. This natural treatment will help you prevent and reduce sun spots and age spots on face effectively.

2. For age spot removal, you can use green papaya home remedy. Rub the fleshy side of papaya on the brown spots on skin and leave on for about 15 to 20 minutes to get rid of age spots. Papain, an enzyme contained in papaya, will help soften and whiten skin, even out skin tone, fade brown spots, freckles, and age spots.

3. One of the best home remedies to get rid of age spots on hand and face is the application of lemon juice. Lemon juice is one of the best natural dark spot corrector that will penetrate the skin and work to fade liver spots. Dab some lemon juice on the age spots twice a day for about two months to get rid of dark spots on your face and hands. The lemon juice serves as a mild bleach to slowly lighten the liver spots.

4. Applying buttermilk on liver spots on a daily basis will cause those dark skin spots to fade over time. Dip a cotton ball into a cup of buttermilk and smooth onto your brown spotting to get rid of liver spots on face quickly.

5. Tea tree oil is another herbal product that is best for removing liver spots on skin. You may apply tea tree oil directly onto the areas affected by those brown spots. Other skin care oils that can be used to treat age spots are grape seed oil, lavender oil, and frankincense essential oil.

6. A mixture of apple cider vinegar and onion juice is one of the best natural remedies to get rid of age spots on face. Apply this vinegar mixture directly to the dark spots on skin with a cotton pad to lighten those spots fast. This is one of the effective solar lentigines treatments that help to get rid of dark pigmentation on face naturally.

7. Witch hazel also helps treat age spots, sunspots, dark brown spots, and other skin discoloration on face. Witch hazel contains generous amounts of tannins, astringents that are helpful with skin problems. Apply witch hazel to the brown spots on face with a cotton ball. A natural astringent, it also minimizes pores on face.

8. Rub castor oil on your dark spots on a regular basis to get rid of liver spots on face fast. This is another best natural treatment for removing age spots fast.

9. You may also use raw garlic to get rid of dark pigmentation of the skin and to reduce the appearance of age spots. Apply garlic juice on age spots on hands and face everyday to lighten those brown spots on skin and dark face patches fast.

10. Mix together 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 egg white, and 2 ground almonds. Apply this homemade mask for removing brown age spots and sun spots on skin. This is one of the efficient age spot removal remedy.

These are a range of cost-effective home remedies that can help to get rid of liver spots. Try these homemade remedies to fade age and liver spots on skin naturally.

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