The next chapter

Objective one has been completed. I completed my initial challenge by completing the London Triathlon on 23rd September in a time of 03:32:57 missing my target time by 00:02:57 but given the hellish weather I think I did bloody well. At the time of writing I've raised £975 for Cancer Research UK. Thank you to all who sponsored me. In my darkest moments during the triathlon, the fact it was for charity kept me going.

A blow by blow account of the triathlon can be seen here.

Now I need to set myself some new targets for the coming months as it seems a shame to stop this journey which I enjoy and whihc has allowed me to meet some amazing people (both in person and on Twitter)

I have debated long and hard over what to do next year and to be honest I only have a rough idea on what I would like to complete in 2013 but logistical and financial implications may impede this.

My plan consists of completing a triathlon at each of these distances in 2013.

  • Super Sprint - venue TBC but possibly the Jenson Button Trust Triathlon at Luton Hoo Hotel - date tbc or possible Blenheim Triathlon due to its wonderful surroundings.
  • Sprint - Hatfield Triathlon (this was my first triathlon and I want to smash my PB) - date tbc
  • 3/4 Olympic - Clitheroe Triathlon (it seems a shame not to race a triathlon in my home town) - 14th April 2013
  • Olympic - London Triathlon (I feel I have unfinished business with this event given the hellish weather this year) 14th July 2013 (this may be too soon after Outlaw in which case I will need another race)
  • Ironman 70.3 - Mallorca hopefully depending on finances 11th May 2013
  • Ironman - Outlaw 7th July 2013
All these triathlons are again for charity. The charity I have chosen to represent is Help Harry Help Others, this charity was founded by 11 year old Harry Moseley who lost his battle with brain cancer on October 8th 2011.

Harry is in a word inspiring. If you doubt my claim, please read the following book which is available electronically and in paperback. I literally could not put it down

The book had me laughing and crying at numerous points.

The reason I have chosen to represent HHHO is because of Twitter, I saw a plea from Georgie Moseley (Harry's mum) and decided to respond as detailed below.

My exchange with Georgie Moseley

Harry was amazing for someone so young, he raised over £650000 at the time of his passing for Cancer Research UK and Georgie has just launched HHHO as a charity in its own right and I for one am honoured to represent this charity and to keep his dream alive.

I have (with the help of Quest Sportswear) designed a trisuit for next year and now need some more people to complete triathlons for HHHO and buy the trisuit to enable me to buy them. It would be a shame if I didn't get to complete my triathlons in this suit as I think the design is amazing.

HHHO trisuit design
Several people on Twitter have since contacted me about designing trisuits for their charity endeavours and I have now designed a trisuit for someone who is competing for Sands. I am honoured that people like what I can design. It means a lot.

Trisuit design for Sands

The reason this blog post is entitled next chapter is twofold.

Firstly I completed my quest and need some new challenges as detailed above.

Secondly I have managed to secure a new job back at home with a different company than the one I have worked for since leaving University in 2002. This job enables me to live back at home with my wife rather than staying in a hotel 4/5 nights a week. This is a good thing as living in a hotel can be hard work.

The move back home should also have a massive effect on my training as I will be able to spend a lot more time training on my bike. It will provide a more stable base for training.

I now need to find a gym in Doncaster to train and swim and I also need to find a new triathlon club to train with.

I am really going to miss training with RG Active as all the people there made me feel so welcome.

I owe special thanks to the following people.

  • Anne for encouraging me to train with RG Active in the first instance and being a wonderful lane buddy at the Hamptoon Pool swim sessions.
  • John for being a wonderful coach and helping me get over my open water swimming worries.
  • Kibs for teaching me less is more when it comes to swimming and being there at the end of lap one of the run at the London Triathlon to cheer me on.
  • Simon B for encouraging me in my quest.
  • Laura and Karen for making me feel welcome
  • Karen for helping me find my running mojo finally.
  • Chloe for making my wonderful thank you cakes (which I bought for the team for all their help)

All these people are well worth a follow on Twitter and I owe them my eternal thanks.

My thanks cakes. They were so tasty. Cheers Chloe
But now I find myself in a quandary as I am currently teamless which means I only have myself for motivation.

There are a lot of teams within 30 minutes of my home but I am yet to choose one to join.

The choice consists of Team Manvers, Wakefield Tri, Leeds Bradford Tri, Sheffield Tri, Adwick Tri and TNT Racing but none of these appear to offer the same outlook to training as RG Active.

They almost seem elitist which is understandable as triathlon is a sport but my mantra from day one has been completing and not competing so I am after something which is more based on fun rather than shaving minutes off my efforts.

One of my Twitter followers who is based in Sheffield is currently in the process of trying to set up a new triathlon team which should share my ethos of completing over competing and if this comes off I hope to join them.

I am looking forward to being at home and the new access this will allow me to training.

So this year will culminate in me completing an iron distance triathlon and spending a lot of time at home and I can't wait. 

Since I completed London my training hasn't gone too well due to work commitments and my damned shin splints. I have only managed to go on one bike ride and for one swim. The swim was excruciating as I kept getting cramp in the arches of my feet, I suppose this was down to a lack of training.

If you would like to sponsor me I have set up a new Justgiving page for HHHO.

Thanks for reading and I hope my next blogpost will be more focussed on training.


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