Acne not only affects skin adversely but also dents self-confidence. Read on if you want to be confident while you get treated for acne. You have been fighting acne and everyday seems like a mountain. You do not feel like moving out of your house. Your dressing table is full of different acne solutions that you have tried. You are forever trying some or the other treatment in the hopes that something might just work. You prefer to remain indoors and are scared of attending any social events. You might even be worried if people think you are ugly. You keep craving for the radiant skin models and actresses who keep flaunting their skin in ads. Sometimes you feel like giving it all up and just let the situation be.
 Do you think your Acne is a menace? Your daily fight with acne simply drives you crazy. You are looking out for a solution everywhere and acne does not want to leave you. At such times you need to be very patient. Never pick and pop zits, this can spread infection and add to the problem. Acne takes time to heal and you must be kind to yourself till your acne gets cured. You must remember that there are other skin diseases that are far more difficult to combat. Skin problems like Psoriasis and Rosacea take time to heal and people suffering with them would find living with acne much easier. So think about it and seek medical help if your acne is difficult to deal with.
Is Acne affecting your Self-Confidence? In a world where a lot of importance is laid on looks, a person with acne may find it difficult to cope with the social demands. You must never allow others to judge you or allow others to make you feel inferior because you have acne. You are fighting it and with help you will have clear skin. Never let your self confidence get affected because of a bunch of pimples on your face. Difficult it may and sound be, you are as unique as anyone else in the world. It is just a matter of a treatment and with care you can say bye-bye to pimples.
 Never get stressed with Acne Do not allow acne to stress you since it only adds to the stress that gives rise to pimples. The first rule for beautiful skin is rest and relaxation. Stressed skin ages faster and develops wrinkles earlier. Be happy for what you are and sometimes try taking your mind off pimples.
Healthy skin Rules Being healthy is the first step towards being beautiful. If you are fighting acne you must learn to love your skin in and out. Have enough water, sleep well and eat healthy. These three things are very simple but if followed religiously, they can make a big difference to skin quality. Use products that are for acne prone skin. But avoid something that is too harsh. Always keep skin clean by washing your face with an anti-acne soap or face wash. Tone skin and keep it hydrated. If your pimple problem still persists then it is time you consulted a dermatologist.
Consult a Dermatologist Consulting a dermatologist is the best thing to do for any kind of skin problems. Instead of spending on expensive cosmetic acne solutions, take medical help. The earlier you consult a dermatologist, the better. Taking help on the onset of acne can reduce the chances of it spreading all over. Find out a good MD and follow the treatment to a 'T'. It will surely lessen down the recurrence of pimples. Your pimple might not even return if you keep following the healthy skin rules.
 Tips to live with your Acne Acne is best treated with dermatological help. But till the time you take the journey from pimple prone skin to flawless radiant skin, read our tips to learn to live with your acne. Guard your self confidence to keep going through pimply times.
- Avoid being upset about acne
- Speak promptly to people who embarrass you
- Avoid judging people on their skin value. People with good skin may have other problems that you might never experience in your whole life.
- Read a book or listen to music if you are feeling blue
- Remove make-up before going to bed
- Wash your glasses often, if you wear any.
- Change your pillow cover every alternate day
- Avoid picking and popping pimples
- Use make-up to cover pimples and blemishes. Actors, celebrities, and many others use this technique
- Avoid exchanging cosmetics, towels and napkins
- Follow your dermatologist's advice
- Stay away from stress
- Avoid comparing yourself to others
- Avoid self-medication
- Take rude remarks in your stride. Even the most gorgeous looking people receive the rudest comments
- Be patient
Live acne free Acne can affect your confidence and potential of achievement. If you are suffering with acne, fight it to overcome it. Always take help from a doctor. Medical help is the best if you are seeking relief from acne. Every acne problem is different and the same solutions do not apply to all. This makes medical support very important. Self-medication can be dangerous. A doctor identifies your skin type, lifestyle and the kind of acne and prescribes treatment accordingly. While you are on your way to live acne free, the biggest support you need is from yourself. Do not hide your acne behind strands of hair. Feel proud to be who you are. Do not miss out on life because your cheeks have bumps that are blocking your self-esteem. Show the world that a bunch of acne cannot stop you from living the life you want. |
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