Exclusive: Interview of Newest Runnin' Rebel #33 Charles Rushman

I recently sought out an interview with Charles Rushman a walk-on and the newest player for the Runnin' Rebels. On Tuesday, 10/23/12 we talked about on who he is and why he chose UNLV. Let's welcome Charles to the Runnin' Rebel family, and hope for great things! Video highlights follow the interview.

RR: RebelReign.com
CR: Charles Rushman

RR: What made you want to come to UNLV?

CR: I wanted to be part of a good program, one that could compete. So I figured I’d rather walk on at a place like that rather than play for a sub-par D-1 school or D-2. I would have otherwise taken a scholarship at a D-2 school.

RR: Interesting, regarding going to a competitive program and being part of a really good team – were you interested in other programs?

CR: No, not really. My uncle lives here so it’s kind of nice, since my family is so far away – so that’s what got me into this program.

RR: How has been the transition from Wisconsin to Las Vegas? Do you live with your Uncle?

CR: No, actually I live in the dorms. But he’s out here, so I lean on him for family support.

RR: Since many may not be familiar with the process, could you tell us what the process was to walk on at UNLV?

CR: Well a friend of mine knows coach Schroyer really well, and he saw my film and pretty much determined that they had a spot for me.

RR: Was there any kind of gym tryouts?

CR: No

RR: So it was all off of game film, highlight real and stuff?

CR: Yeah, I played with the guys once. And it just worked out.

RR: As a walk on, you’re not receiving a scholarship.

CR: Correct

RR: Is there any significance to your number, #33?

CR: It’s the number I wore in high school. Larry Bird wore #33, and he’s one of my favorite players of all time.

RR: How do you see yourself making an impact at UNLV?

CR: Well I guess most of what we do is run the scout team, so being a solid player on that – giving the guys a decent look as opposed to else who couldn't

RR: There was a former walk-on by the name of Curtis Terry, who worked himself into the lineup by bringing energy, being a garbage man, and a streaky shooter. Do you think you can do the same?

CR: Hopefully, that’s my goal. With as good as UNLV is right now, it will be difficult and nothing is guaranteed .But  hopefully someday I’ll be able to make a contribution on the court.

RR: Would you consider yourself more of streaky shooter, or more consistent?

CR: I would say more consistent.

RR: So you don’t hit shots in bunches, you usually hit X percentage?

CR: Yeah, I’d say shooting is my strength.

RR: Since you’ve come onto campus at UNLV, what has impressed or surprised you the most?

CR: I just noticed that people that don’t follow sports, or basketball,  still usually follow Rebel basketball – it’s the big thing here. Its what everybody cares about.

RR: What do you think about the athletic facilities here?

CR: I think they are phenomenal. For sure.

RR: I’ve seen some of your video on YouTube, and you've said shooting is your best attribute. Are you more of a shooting guard or point guard?

CR: I’m more point guard than shooting guard, but it doesn't really matter – I’ve played both in high school, but I always was more of a pass-first type player.

RR: Besides shooting, what are your best point guard attributes?

CR: I’d say ball handling and defense.

RR: What are your basketball skills goals this season?

CR: I want to get quicker and stronger, I think that’s the biggest difference at this level. Defending at this level is a different world, so that definitely must improve as well.

RR: How many weeks have you been practicing with the team?

CR: One session of summer school, and all of  the practices and workouts, but I wasn’t part of the Canada tour.

RR: We saw you do a really good job at the Scarlet and Gray game, who on the team do you look to advice?

CR: Mike Moser’s locker is right next to mine, so he’s always talking to me and giving me a hard time. I’d probably go to him.

RR: Of our guards, Anthony Marshall, Justin Hawkins, Daquan Cook, Bryce Dejean-Jones, and Katin Reinhardt, who do you try to pick up moves from? Learned anything from playing with and against them?

CR: I’ve learned a lot from Anthony Marshall, because he’s really smooth. He’s always not rushing, always in control – really good to watch. I’d have to say Anthony Marshall, I’ve been really impressed by his game.

RR: Regarding the competitiveness of this years Rebels team, what excites you the most about the potential for this year?

CR: I’d say the best guys work hard, like Mike and Anthony Marshall, Anthony Bennett – there’s so much talent, we’re so deep, so we’re as good as anybody in my opinion.

RR: Have you talked to the Coaching staff or anyone about redshirting?

CR: Yeah, when I came in I briefly talked to Coach Schroyer about it, and I’d like to do it. I assume that’s what I’ll do.

RR: So we won’t really see you play minutes this year if you elect to do so, but you’ll save a year of eligibility?

CR: But realistically I’d likely not see many minutes anyways, so that’s why I’d do it.

RR: So I know you’re from Wisconsin, but I’m not familiar with your town because its not a major city.

CR: (Laughs) Yeah, it’s a suburb of Milwaukee. About a half hour west, it’s called Oconomowoc.

RR: Pretty big Brewers fan?

CR: Yeah, definitely.

RR: Lets talk about your high school play, were you the leading scorer?

CR: My senior year, yes I believe , and in the playoffs my junior year. There was another kid who was about the same though.

RR: Did any of  your teammates end up playing college ball?

CR: Well, actually I graduated two years ago, and went to prep school last year.

RR: Oh, ok – well lets start with high school.

CR: OK, high school – Ben Mills plays for Colorado, he was our center. A couple of other guys from my HS team played division III.

RR: And your prep school?

CR: At my prep school Aaron Ross went to Texas Tech, Jeremiah Jones went to Duscane, Jacoby Davis went to Mississippi State, Logan Mortensen went to New Hampshire, Andy Martin went to Montana, Miles Homles Eastern Illinois.

RR: So you got the best pick of the draw?

CR: Yes

RR: Have you picked a major yet?

CR: Yeah, international business – emphasis on Asia.

RR: Do you speak and foreign languages?

CR: I’m taking Chinese.

RR: Is there anything you’d think people should know that I didn’t ask?

CR: Well, my junior year in high school we won the State championship in basketball. First time in school history we did that.

RR: What size school were you playing at?

CR: Well out here, I know you rank them large to small, for example 4-A, 3-A, etc. My school was the biggest which was the biggest, so that made it more significant.

RR: Very cool, yes – that’s quite an accomplishment.

RR: Regarding Wisconsin, UNLV has had battles with them over the years both in basketball and football. Do you feel any kind of alliance to them?

CR: No, I like them, and when they do well that’s a not a bad thing – but most of my family went to Marquette, so I always loved them. But I’m all-in with UNLV I’m a Rebel now.

RR: Cool, I think you’ll be a solid player for us, and hope you get some minutes.

CR: Thanks, I’m just happy to be here.


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