Hail Indian Spirit !!

The past month was very eventful for Indians.It seemed liked independence revolution came back but this time it was India against India. Though I was mentally/emotionally/sometimes physically part of it......somehow the lazy me wouldn't permit me to think about it more than an hour of the day. But one of friends played the role. I'm extremely amazed at the spirit of this woman who is another ordinary person like me with ambivalent aspirations and bubble gum generation ideology but the ardent support she offered for this movement was great. I'm proud of you Charu(who's the Anna hazare of our gang) and here's a excerpt of her experience of this movement in Bangalore in her own scribbles.....
1. back from Pune, tired 16th Aug
2. D told me about movement in blore
3. Saw on TV
4. Sonali and I discussed, kuch nahi bahut saare logon ko to pata nahi hoga ky aho raha hai why they have come to ramlila etc in delhi, anna arrested 16th aug
5. saw tv news , polite anna and strong kejriwal and prakash and shanti bhushan
6. next day cam eto know vivek from my office went to march on ORR
7. I thought I can go, should I, do I know about what is LOK PAL, what is the fight, what Anna wants, why we supprot him
8. saw videos, read, about jan lokpal
9. thought about the corruption, the bad state of MP, Roads, education, Poverty, Farmers,
10. Aaayam and Passport,Licence, Lucknow,Mummy's salry and my accident.. went hovering in my head
11. Saw Kejriwal's address to IIT chennai guys.
12. He is genuine, all are transparent, they want a corrupt free country,
13. He being 74 , fightin.. fasting.. we youth have a resposibilty.,.. am not worried now about the result.. fighting and raising voices against bad practises showing them that we know wat they are doin from past years and we hate that..
14. Went to ORR, in front of Cisco office.. midway people standing with posters " I do have deliverable but am still standing cause i want corruption free india" Smiled , Confident
15. Joined the group and sung, raghupati raghav, people watching us, few ignoring us by eyes, but won't be able to ignore thr hearts screams.. WAKE UP !
16. Shouted slogans, with full feelin..
17. AND YES. people had come voluntarily.. they were nt bhaade ke tatoos.. they weren influenced, they believe this KUCH HO SAKTA HAI..
18. Satifaction.. INDEED.. all wet and pollution mud and traffic.. no worries.. such a disciplined crowd.. they had all slogans.. in kannada, hindi, english.. coming frm thr heart..
19. marched around 3 km and then in front of JP Moran office, sung raghupati and hum honge kamyab ! candle march, people watching, some givin thumbs up, some stil ignoring
20. came back to home
21. tired, back neck paining badly! its ok HE is 3 times my age ... and team is double the age of mine.. I can tolerate this trivial pain for them if not fr anythin else..
22. Next day saw videos of his village his selflessness.. sonia exposed etc.. boosted all ovr again.. hopes risen
23. went to march again, Manisha cam ewith me although she was nt well.. Proud of her.. again same people shouting slogans at top of thr voices.. Most of my my frnds are sytill feelin lazy to show thr reaction in ACTION!
24. Saw news again, Govt is releasin gAnna, he denying for freedom to his speech and freedom to carry his fast!!
25. Govt forced to release him .. ready to listen him on this demand
26. I realized .. it is so difficult to
jagao ppl
to walk in groups in sun rain
to be stable on ur thoughts , pressure in terms of power money life
to sacrifice life, family, job, a privileged lyf
to unite a country of billions ,
to make thm understand smthing imp fr them
to fight agains power and powerful people
i salute to freedom fighters..
My eyes get wet on hearing Ae mere watan ke logon!
Freedom to India was a revolution 100 time sbigger then this ! how these ppl did this. they jumped these boulders , HOW?
Anna speaks so politely, so genuinely, so calmly yet so strongly!! Nonviolence is surely the biggest weapon !

27. Came back,... next day I skipped but had full track on what is goin on through TIMES NOW, Arnab Gowswami , He s good, Seems he feels the same as common middle class man,
28. In middle of all this.. I really feel pity on Manmohan sigh, he is good guy .. but donno why he feels he is helpless. He should resent by resigning!!
29. Next day 20th Aug, Anna's 5th Day of fastin , we wnet to Freedom Park
30. Amazing crowd..
31. Santosh Hegde, Lokayukt of Karnataka, Freedom fighters, Lawyers, Wifes of Army people, retired Airforce officers, Common poeple, giving influencial speeches ..
32. Hedge addressing public. giving each and evry ans
33. THis team is confident coz they know they are right, they are transparent !1 nobody can ques them !! :)
34. Ppl coming in groups, kids , full society with flags and gandhi topis banners, Advocates, old aged ppl
35. One old man .. pleading to let him fast.. ! :)
36. Janta listening to thiese speeches.. singing songs , shouting Bande Matram, And bharat mata ki Jai
37. We made Gandhi Topis and distributed, painted tricolor on faces
38. number of supporters increasing with evry hour
39. These poeple have come to support Anna and his movement on thr own
40. One speaker, OLD, age around 80, speking in Kannada, couldn undersatnd anything in words, BUT could undersatnd his feelings, I was loving to see him speak, what he wanted to say all these years, his struggle for country he has seen being wasted, he wanted to say so much, after so many years he saw some ray of hope .. he could not stop himself !
41. I completed the task of making Topis and then went for a lunch, was really dying of hunger, That man is hungry since 4 days man !!
42. Ate at Indian Coffee house ( where indians used to plan during freedom struggle )
43. Came back to Freedom park, roamed abou tin the jail. It was built during jail bharo aandolan by Gandhiji. I said to myself I AM READY to go to JAIL !
44. People comin in masses singing and dacing with tricolors on slogans and songs and look at the youful spirit, let it not die ever !
45. News about Anna, human chains being formed, rallies, Govt answers and comments all ove rthe place
46. ppl buying and writing postcards to PM saying WE WANT JAN LOK PAL bill ! :)
47. buying T-shirts topis and stickers
48. Females giving superb speeches and spreading awareness about how a lady can help in prevnting corruption, ask ur husband and daddy whr did u buy this gold chain for me !
49. ppl coming alone and then joining groups singing vande matram
50. Old Aunties coming with thr children grandchildren to show them the spirit
51. One teacher all clad in paper and wrtten on it some msges that A teacher appeals janlokpal and corruption free india help him.. standing from around 4-5 hrs !
52. Toyota employee union people extending thr support , brought banners and sang songs and slogans all around freedom park
53. We came back , had to get our flat opened through some electrician through balcony and had to search for a flat ! yeah they were imp checklist points but not as imp to WITNESS and join this historical MOVEMENT !
54. PROUD to be INDIAN !

and the efforts are paying now :)
Hail Indian Spirit !!

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