Hayden Lake triathlon

Two things occurred to me on Friday:

  1. It's mid-July and I should probably train for and do some races this summer
  2. We should do an overnight camping trip with the baby before we go on a week-long camping trip at the end of July
Distracted by my predicament, I started surfing online for races, when I found a race scheduled for the next day at nearby Hayden Lake in Idaho. I managed to rally the troops for an overnight camping trip and by 4pm we were on the road. The only thing missing was the typical training I would do before racing a triathlon.

The camping part of this adventure went well until it was time to go to sleep. The only place to camp in the area was at Silverwood theme park RV camping, right next to the Hwy. It was fabulously loud until about 1am and Liam added to the noise by fussing and not sleeping. He tossed, turned, cried, and moaned all night long, finally crashing at about 4am.

The alarm was set for 5am so that started the pain session. In an seriously sleep deprived state, I stumbled into the transition area at about 6:15 am and found the bike racks packed. Just as I walked in they started setting up a new rack so I snagged a spot but not before a guy started yelling at me, "HEY WATCH IT! YOU HIT ME WITH YOUR TIRE!" What?! I'm totally confused about what he is saying and he keeps yelling and I finally realize that I must have tapped him with my tire when I racked my bike and he is losing his sh*t about it.

Of course I apologized, but I was speechless, sleep deprived or not. I setup quickly, grabbed my wetsuit, and got out of there. Never had anyone yell at me at a race before, that was a little shocking.

The lake was gorgeous but slightly cold for my personal preference for racing. My plan for the swim was to find some feet and draft. The starting gun went off and I went as hard as I could only to watch the lead swimmers fade away while I swam by myself, never to be passed and never to find feet to hold on to.

The bike was an out and back, with a slight headwind on the out. My plan was to do intervals and make it a workout session but the slight headwind said otherwise, it was a workout just cruising. I think I passed 3 ladies and was never got passed until the very end of the bike, right at the transition area.

My hope for the run was to pace around 7:45. I'm recovering from shin splints in May and running pain free but still a little slow as I ease back into it. I started the run and found that my feet were numb and the two sips of Gatorade I took on the bike were sloshing around in my stomach. I was burping and snotting along and found myself closing in on a fast looking lady with a 40 on her calf. I apologized for the noise I was making and commented on her awesome turnover. I told her I was going to open it up on the downhill and that she should kill me on the uphill and that's exactly what happened. She probably beat me by a good 45 seconds in the end. Maybe I shouldn't have opened it up on the downhill. I don't know my run time yet, but Bill thought I was under 23 minutes, possibly under 22 for the 5k.

I think I finished 7 overall female, which was good for my level of fitness. I think the cold water and lack of sleep had my body a little distressed but it wasn't too horrible to get to the finish line. I was surprised by the level of competition at this little sprint, those Idahoans take their triathloning seriously.

I was home by 2pm and passed out on the couch while the Tour played softly in the background. A great day! Pop Pops and Gammies helped with the baby all day and Bill played bike mechanic, support crew, and daddy while mommy had her fun. It was a good day and I'm glad the mood struck to race.

As for any future camping and triathlon plans... I need a good night's sleep, that's all I'm thinking about right now.

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