Recipe Inspiration: Celebrating Scallions & Spring Onions in the Garden and Kitchen

And Tessa Kiros' Beautiful New Cookbook

Red Candy Apple spring onions - Farmgirl Fare
Freshly harvested Red Candy Apple spring onions (and two supervisors)

Did you know that if you space your onions two inches apart rather than four when planting them in the garden, you'll be able to enjoy homegrown scallions and spring onions (which are simply young onions) with very little extra effort, and without taking up any extra space? That's my kind of gardening.

For more about growing onions, check out this post on In My Kitchen Garden, Growing Onions from Purchased Plants - Ordering and Planning, which also includes links to my other onion posts.

This spring I planted about 240 little purchased onion plants, and we've been scarfing up scallions for weeks. Thanks to all of you who offered up ideas for What To Do with 125 Scallions and Your Recipes and Favorite Ways to Use Green Onions back in 2008, I have all sorts of green onion inspiration.

More photos and recipe ideas below. . .
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