Sunday Dose of Color and Cute: Bright Spot

Tulips and Beagle Bert
I love it when the dogs crash a photo shoot.

We have one lone little tulip plant in the front yard, and despite years of dog abuse, it always gives us beautiful blooms:
4/16/06: Easter Greetings to You
4/16/06: Dogfoot Tiptoed through the Tulips
4/16/06: Time Lapse Tulips
4/12/09: No Bonnets, but Plenty of Blooms
4/12/09: Happy Easter!

©, where plans inevitably get changed when the power suddenly goes off (which also means the water goes off) for the afternoon. What can you do without those two? Play Work on the tractor, sweep the floor, weed the garden, or have a baby! Current lamb count: 17.

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