This is Brian:

Brian is your average, stylish, cat-loving, teaching, hungry, marathon runner. And he is quite the hungry fellow. But I understand why. He is currently training for the competitive Boston Marathon, and at this stage in his training he runs between 10-17 miles EVERYday. Nothing holds him back - not even the negative degree temperatures we had last week. (Brian is very good at making  me feel like a lush.)

Due to this recently increased running schedule and lack of all muscle building activity, one would think that this is a blog about nothing, because it looks like I feed him nothing. But I warn you Seinfeld fans not to get so excited yet. I actually do feed him. I feed him a lot, and good food if I say so myself. While most meals I cook could probably feed a family of 3-4, he scrapes every last bite of the casserole dish and then continues to snack until bed time.

To add to the challenge of feeding the oh-so-ravenous Brian, he has recently (to my meat-loving dismay) decided to go vegetarian and refined-sugar free. This makes cooking dinner an added challenge as I already can't eat gluten, because I have celiac disease. So by default, most of these meals are gluten free, vegetarian, and no sugar added (foods with naturally occuring sugar are used, and sweeteners like honey and agave in desperation).  And by choice, these foods are all free of hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, and nasty chemicals I can't pronounce. I try to make these meals as healthy as possible, but my addiction to cheese has a tendency to prevent anything I make from being what one would call "low-fat".
So here we go, bon appetit!

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