Curried Lentils Make Brian Boogie

End of the week meals are always interesting. Usually a hodgepodge of the random leftover ingredients from other dishes and things you wonder why you bought in the first place. This weekend's remaining contestants were:
Vegetables: a couple carrots, 1 celery stalk on the flimsier side, 3 close to getting wilty asparagus stalks, half a green bell pepper, and 1/2 onion
Dry food: 1 cup of lentils, 1 can of black beans, a jar of pasta sauce, rice pasta

Lentils seemed to be the best way of bringing the lonely, rejected veggies back to life, so here we are:


Curried Lentils with Vegetables

Curried Lentils with Vegetables
1 cup uncooked red lentils
2 carrots
1/2 green bell pepper
handful of asparagus stalks
1/2 onion
Spices: Curry powder, Tumeric, Cumin, Garlic, Crushed Red Pepper, S&P, Cinnnamon

1. Rinse the lentils and pour in a pot with 2 cups water and a sprinkle of curry powder and Tumeric
2. Bring to boil and then reduce to a simmer about 20 minutes (BTW - the boil to simmer action is super frustrating when cooking at 5,400 feet elevation- I've been going nuts trying to get rice, lentils, quinoa etc to simmer after a boil!)
3. Meanwhile, diagonally cut up carrots into thin discs, dice up onion and green pepper in large chunks, and asparagus in 3/4" pieces.
4. Start cooking carrots and onions in a little bit of water in a large frying pan on med to med-high heat. When carrots and onions are slightly soft and water has cooked out, add a dash of olive oil and the pepper and asparagus and cook on medium for about 7 minutes.
5. Toss in a few shakes of curry powder, garlic, cumin, crushed red pepper, s&p, and 2 dashes of secret ingredient - cinammon.
6. When most of the water is gone from the pot of lentils add them to the vegetables. Continue to cook on med-low until all water is gone. Season to taste if it needs anything extra.

Indian inspired dish prepared in incorrectly labeled Indian-crafted moccasins! 

Brian was so moved by the stuff I fed him, that he started dancing at the dinner table upon completion.

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