History of Swimming (How swimming became a sport?)

Human beings are not build to live in water like the many species of fish in our deep blue oceans, however, despite of that, taking the journey to learn to swim has become a necessary skill for many people in today's world. Since you are reading this post, you should applaud yourself, as you are the small part of our population that is trying or has already conquered the world of the water. Great job.

Learning to swim, does not have to be difficult though or out of reach of many, if the right approach is taken, however, as it is with anything we learn, one can never truly understand what one is learning until one understands its history. True, one can learn to swim without knowing the history of swimming, but it nevertheless is interesting to know that our ancestors from 7000 years ago were already eager to take on the water world. And it might give you some cool story to share with your fellow swim class or swim practice participants next time you are stroking your favorite style up and down the pool .

So, without further ado, History of Swimming as told in 21st century:


Update: the below service no longer works, but you can read more about history here.

As you can see, the sport of swimming has evolved quite a lot with new swimming techniques, understanding of physics of motion in the water or by providing swimmers with super swim suits. What does future holds for swimming? Who knows, maybe in a few hundred years we'll evolve to be more aerodynamic and grow webbed feet to make our swimming life much easier. :)

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