Learning to Swim with your Xbox 360 and Michael Phelps (From the Swimming Pool to your Xbox 360)

The last few years has seen a tremendous explosion of miscellaneous games which require some physical and social activity rather than the traditional sedentary joystick control games. So what does this has to do with you and learning how to swim?

Microsoft just announced a new swimming game, called Push the Limit, featuring the multiple Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps. The game is for the new Kinect on Xbox 360 and is meant to come out this summer (2011). Microsoft introduces Kinect as a no-controller game. The game simply responds to the movement of your body parts to execute game play. So, if you need to wave your hand or kick a ball, you just do so in front of the xbox set and your character will mimic your movement in the game itself. Pretty cool ey? We will soon be jumping up and down and doing crazy moves in front of our TVs like a chicken with its head cut off, but there is hope :).


The previous swimming games that we have seen are usually part of the Olympic sport series and are controlled merely by a controller, which is, truth to be told, very boring to use. Also swimming is not the highest rated sport out there, so making a game which features top level swimming athletes might be a much bolder move than just launching new NFL or NHL games featuring all your favorite athletes. Let's face it, if there is no swimming national hero, nobody would care about swimming at all, but since America has Michael Phelps which has marketed the hell out of swimming, more and more people start to see the light at the end of the tunnel and actually do watch or participate in swimming themselves. Which is of course great as everyone should know some basics of swimming.

Back to the reason why I am talking about the "Push the Limit" game here on the swimming blog. Depending on how good are the graphics and how well the authors captured Michael Phelps' movements, it could be a great teaching tool for the folks that would like to improve in their swimming technique. For example, let's say that you are doing your race against Michael in the game and you are at your turn, if you don't put your arms in a tight streamline, you will loose a few precious seconds after the turn as Michael's streamline is almost flawless and he cuts through the water with such ease that you will really need to perfect yours. Another example could be the swimming stroke itself. If you swim freestyle against Michael and you keep your head too high up, your legs will sink and you will swim slower. However, if you put your head down in the right position you will be faster.

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