Yummy Pear Recipes

This week we have been enjoying our fresh apples and pears. But there are too many to eat fresh so I enlisted the help of a friend who always has the most yummy recipes in her collection.

The first one we made was her Pear Pudding:

Butter a medium sized casserole dish. Turn oven to 180’.
Peel and slice 4 to 5 pears and spread over bottom of dish.
Melt about 100g butter, cool.
Stir 1 cup flour with 2 t baking powder
Beat 1 egg with 2-3 generous dollops honey (or sugar if you have to) and 1 t vanilla essence
Stir in butter and add flour etc
Smooth mixture over pears
Sprinkle flaked almonds over
bake for 1/2 hour or more until nicely browned.

Delicious on its own, could serve with custard, cream or ice-cream.
You could use apples instead, then add cinnamon sugar over apples.

Then I doubled her Chocolate and Pear Muffin recipe:

I use paper muffin cases. Makes 12.
Oven 200 deg C
Melt 100g butter, cool

Stir together:
1-2 chopped, peeled pears
100g chocolate ( I like dark)
300g flour
1T baking powder
130g castor sugar ( I use whatever I have)

Whisk together:
2 eggs
1 c milk
1 t vanilla essence

Mix wet and dry, spoon into cases
Bake 18-20 min. Best served cold.
Improve on keeping, but never seem to last long enough.

I hope to can the last of the pears tomorrow to use out of season. The last of the apples are also going to be canned for winter apple pies.

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