Baby win swim fail

Liam Skyping with grandma. It was almost like having a babysitter!

Liam had his 4 month check up today, he is in the 95th percentile for height and the 65th for weight so even though he looks like a chunk-a-monk (chunky monkey) he's actually tall and average weight. The doc cleared him to start on solid foods so we rushed to the store to buy rice cereal. We're hoping heavier food in his belly means a little longer sleep. Everything looks great with Liam, he is a superstar baby which is more than I can say for myself but we'll get to that in a minute.

I mixed some rice cereal with some pumped breast milk (tmi?) and Liam took to eating like a champ. I need some baby size bowls but otherwise I think we are set with adding solid foods to his diet. That was easy!

Now on to his less than stellar mommy and another swim fail. After a 12 minute continuous swim coach politely called 6 x 25 your choicer stroke. I boldly declared that I would like to lead the lane so I could work on fly and have clear water. That went well, I'm still using too much knee to kick, but I was happy with that short bit of practice.

The coach aka Major Pain called the main set:
400 IM
4 x 50 fly
300 IM
4 x 50 back
200 IM
4 x 50 breast
100 IM
4 x 50 free

If you aren't a swimmer and you are still reading this, I can summarize for you: that is one evil main set. I slapped on some fins since I haven't done that much non-free in over a year. Pregnancy puts a damper on fly... but I figured I could keep up with fins on.

The 400 IM went well enough, I was feeling nice and warm until we get half way through the 4 x 50 fly. By now I'm one arming the fly and "focusing on kicking". On the last 50 I was breathing heavy. On to 300 IM. Oh my goodness. That 75 fly took it out of me, I was instantly in survival mode. I made it through until the 4 x 50 breast when I had to take off my fins. Wah! That was the sound of me cracking.

Someday I will enjoy a workout like this. Not today though!

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