Oh Mother

We had a great weekend on the Oregon Coast, stopping off first at the top of Mary's Peak on our way out of town. After a trip through the coastal mountain range we stopped off for lunch and clam chowder and garlic bread and then went to Yachats (pronounced YAH-hots) on the coast. Marshall did enough surfing in the ocean and running playing soccer on the beach to wear himself out so we were able to leash him up to go to the tide pools at Cape Perpetua. This is where Bill proposed marriage to me last year only then it was low tide. Sunday was high tide and the waves were coming in with genuine ferocity. We sat in awe of a blow hole and watched the ocean rage from a distance.

Next we drove south to the Oregon Sand Dunes Recreation area and this is where I found renewed inspiration. I looked down this beautiful flat stretch of beach that was virtually deserted and felt deep in my soul the urge to run. Look at this area on a map, the stretch of beach is so long, I just imagined running along for hours with the wind to accompany me. I was moved and I totally didn't expect it. My impression of sand dunes are places where red necks wreck havoc with their dune buggies. So this area caught me off guard, I can't wait to go back. That's not to say that I'm going back to running completely again. I have to keep body fat so I can get pregnant but I'm going to concede to run/walking and eating lots of healthy food.

Anyway, the weekend with my mom and sister was great. Both of them needed to relax and get out of their routines and I'm oh so happy to push them along to new experiences. My mom makes me laugh, she commits to whatever she's doing with lots of zest. If it's running from Bill up a sand dune and falling on her face, she'll do that with everything she's got. She cracks me up. My sister is always surprising me as she grows up, she's 9 years younger than me so I literally remember the day she was born and have tortured her ever since. Not really, the nice thing about my relationship with her is that we have lived separate lives with the same parents, I was gone by the time she was getting in trouble and she was too young to see the trouble I got in (mostly). We do respect each other and have lots of love, it's special but not in the "lets cuddle and talk about our inner most thoughts" kind of sister way. Yuck! Actually, I don't know anyone like that, what am I talking about?

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