Christmas Cookies With Chelsea & June

On Saturday afternoon I participated in a Christmas cookie extravangza at my friend Chelsea's house (she has a wonderfully spacious, well-equipped kitchen that she designed herself.) Chelsea and her mom, June, and I made no less than six types of cookies, including butter cookies, cinammon sledges, butterballs, walnut fudge, rocky road bars, and peanut butter bars.

The butter cookie recipe we used was handed down to June by her grandparents, Granpda and Nanna Syska. Her grandpa had typed it out for her years earlier and included adorable instructions to beat the sugar and butter until "light and fluffy, like Nanna Syska" and a warning to let the cookies cool after removing from the oven "or you will burn your tongue." It was so cute that I had to take a picture of it - see below for front and back.

Grandpa Syska's butter cookies recipe (front side)
Grandpa Syska's butter cookies recipe (back side)
Here are some pictures of the sugar cookie making process. Beginning to beat the butter, egg yolk and sugar until light and fluffy (like Nanna Syska).
Beating the butter, sugar and egg
Chelsea using the press to make the first cookie. June is in the background, hard at work on the cinammon cookies.
Chelsea about to press the first cookie

Clover-shaped cookies taking a little rest on the sheet before baking.
Pressed cookies waiting for the oven
Cooling the cooked and decorated cookies well before eating to prevent any burning of the tongue, per Grandpa Syska's thoughtful instructions.
Baked cookies cooling on the rack May all your holiday baking be as fun as this was!

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