Luna All Women's Triathlon

After 5 hours of sleep the alarm went off at 4am on Saturday and within 30 minutes we were out the door and on our way to north to Portland for another great all women's triathlon. The girls in this photo were there to support their mommies at the race and I think they had a fun day (and got a cute t-shirt). They had a DJ playing chic music not far from my booth so I was able to stay awake for the entire event and had my best sales day ever! The "See Mommy Swim... Bike... Run" t-shirts were a hit and I got to meet some great women at the event.

We were there for about 6 hours and decided that we had such a good time that we would come back again the next day for the Mid-Summer (co-ed) triathlon. On our way home we stopped off in Portland for some shopping at the Title 9 store and discovered the Bermuda triangle of sporty women's shopping: Title 9, Signal, and REI are all within 1 block of each other and my suddenly patient husband took me on my first ever chic shopping spree! He even helped me pick out some capri pants and tops and within an hour and a half we had shopped at all three stores and were back on the road. This doesn't normally happen, at all, ever in my life, that Bill takes me shopping at chic stores. I don't what happened and I'm not asking.

(Pics of girls who competed in the kids triathlon) We got home around 4pm and blasted our way through the final time trial stage of Le Tour thanks to the DVR and then we had to figure out what to do since we rented the canoe (or Keanu as my mom might say) and we had to go back up to Portland the next day for the unplanned triathlon. Did you get that? We had originally planned to spend Sunday morning on the water but since we're devoted tribabers we needed to figure out an alternative time to get on the water. Long story short: we put in on the Willamette River at 7pm and Bill paddled us 10 miles north to Albany in 2.5 hours. Our trip ended in the dark but we had a full moon so it wasn't too scary. The worst of it was that neither one of us had ever done the trip so we didn't know where we were. We got home at 10pm with a bag of take out burgers and got in bed for another 5 hours of sleep before 4am hit and it was back in the car to Portland. I'll post pics from the water and other stuff tomorrow.

Sunday we had a BBQ to get to at 4pm and we didn't get back to town until 3pm so the fun didn't end until 8:30 pm when we both passed out on the couch trying to watch the final stage of Le Tour. I told Bill, "I think we carpe diemed it" and asked him not to burn my carcass which is what I still feel like today.

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