This is ridiculous

I can't wait for Bill to walk into the Four Seasons hotel with this thing on his back. He looks like he's going to Nepal. Our other luggage is an extra large floral suitcase that contains a camp stove and Bill's dinner clothing. Sweet! This is going to be the strangest trip I've ever been on.

Work was ridiculous too today. We finished the remodeling of our offices and everyone is saying that I have the best office. This isn't good! Envy isn't good! The problem is that I offered to put a window into a wall in my office that faces the reception area so now everyone that walks by can see what a great view I have. We were just trying to let natural light in to the cubicle area but instead everyone has a great view of my sweet office. I'll probably get back from vacation and find someone else sitting at my desk. You think I'm exaggerating but I was the office joke for a while. We ran out of space a few years ago so I offered to move into an old facilities bldg in the parking lot behind our bldg temporarily while they figured out what to do. I was out there for two years before I finally made it back into my old office and a few weeks after I moved back in they told me we were remodeling and I had to move to another temporary location. I must look stupid or maybe I am stupid because I packed my stuff again. Now I have a killer office and I haven't spent one day in there and I'm on vacation. Good grief.

Anyway we are off tomorrow for our flight to Phoenix. Yes, we're leaving 75 degree weather to enjoy the 110 dry heat. We're meeting the parents and hanging out for a few days before we load up our newly adopted Jeep Grand Cherokee and see the Sierra Nevadas.

For you fertility rubberneckers (I am a wreck right?) it looks like I am not going to be pregnant this month. I saw my Dr. today and she said my progesterone looked great and if I was 18 I would be pregnant if Bill looked at me but I would have a positive pregnancy test by now if I was so we're just waiting for the next cycle to start. I can't wait, the last month was a roller coaster of Clomid induced mood swings, hot flashes, abdominal pain, messed up sleep, and extreme fatigue. Actually being on this drug gives you all the symptoms of early pregnancy so if I wasn't already crazy enough, I spend two weeks wondering if every bit of nausea, constipation or hot flash means it's a boy or a girl! Crazy town! here i come! Where are those drugs, I'll just get going right now on them!

Here are some pics of Cassie from her most recent photo shoot:

Have a great weekend and happy 4th of July. I'll try to blog again on Monday before we leave for the journey home. We are hoping they get the fire at Lake Tahoe under control so more people don't lose their homes and so we can visit. I'll take lots of pics! And post them on my blog! With long stories no one wants to read all the way to the bottom of! Yeah! !!!!! I know you'll miss me!

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