Sticking with it

Yesterday I stopped off at the welcome home rally for the OSU Beaver baseball team that just won their 2nd college world series title in a row. The Beavers didn't have a great record going in to the tournament but once they were there, they dominated.

I ran in to some former co-workers at the rally and one lady asked if I had a new job yet, she left on very bitter terms and hasn't looked back since. I told her things were more stable in our office and that things were going well. She stormed off.

There were times in the past 4 years that I wanted to leave my job but I am so glad I stayed. We had a change in leadership, my supervisor quit, several managers quit and we had a lot of staff turnover. We ran out of office space and phase 1 of our remodel made offices look like mini cells, there wasn't a lot of good morale to go around. But the people that stayed on have stuck together and we are almost finished with the final remodel and things look and feel great. My new boss has offered me to go part time whenever I want, he knows I am trying to get pregnant and is very supportive. I know there is no way I could find a part time job that pays what I make now so I appreciate his offer very much.

I have stuck with this job longer than any other job I've held and it worked out for me. Sometimes moving on isn't the right thing and I'm glad I'm getting old enough to appreciate that.

Fertility update: I am nearing the end of my first cycle on the fertility drug clomid and I don't feel so good. I've been extremely tired every day, last night I took a nap after work and then couldn't sleep until after 1am this morning. When I woke up early this morning I was super hot and had a temp of 98.9 and a headache. Fun! The good news is that last week I was tested for progesterone levels and they results came back high so it looks like I am ovulating with the help of the drug. Phew. Just think, for all this suffering I might end up pregnant, what a treat! ;)

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