The remodeling has started on our offices at OSU and I'm getting excited to move in to my new space which is bigger than my old space (and I wasn't complaining about that office either). That's my new office with the big window (yes!) We move back in mid-June if construction stays on pace. I'll let you know. Other moving on up news: it looks like I will be a vendor at Blue Lake triathlon this year (1500 racers) and I'm looking at several other larger triathlons too. I just ordered some baby t-shirts and hats today and we will get them embroidered with "FUTURE TRIATHLETE" and "MY MOMMY/DADDY DOES TRIATHLONS". Can't wait to get those! I also ordered some anti-stink wicking tees for men so I'll let you know when those get here, probably early next week. I guess we'll get "SMELL ME I DON'T STINK" on those tees. Just kidding.
This is the first weekend I haven't had a race in several weeks so I'm looking forward to doing some yard work and cleaning my filthy house. And cuddling animals and wondering when my husband will be done with his MBA so we can hang out again. We are both totally over him being in grad school. DONE! Just a few more weeks and then I'll remember what Bill looks like. Hope I still like him. Kidding! HA HA! As long as he bbq's steak and rubs my shoulders then he can stay. ;)
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