I want to go to Bend Oregon

We're off to Bend, Oregon today for Bill to race in the Pacific Crest triathlon. I am concerned about him racing a 1/2 Ironman tomorrow because he still hasn't picked up on his training, he ran two miles yesterday, swam about 1200 yards with me Wednesday and biked up Mary's Peak last Saturday. That is all the training he's done since Blue Lake two weeks ago. I think I've gotten through to him that he should pull out of the race if his ankle is bothering him, he's still icing it and has come up with a "modified" run style to get through the race. Does that sound insane to you?

Anyway, I LOVE BEND! It's the home of Deschutes Brewery (Juble-Juble Juble Ale beer) and is a multisport mecca. We were very close to moving there in 2004, I had a job interview with a company that was named one of the best places to work in Bend. I stopped by for the interview when I was on my way to racing Ironman CDA. They called me the day before the race and asked for a 2nd interview so I stopped by there again on my way home. The 2nd interview didn't go as well (my brain was fried) and they hired internally. That sucked. But of course, when one door closes a window opens for me to jump out of and life went on.

Typically a trip to Bend would mean biking, trail running, hiking, and cold mountain swimming for me. We're just going up for the night and will be back tomorrow, I just can't do the things I want to do right now on this fertility drug so we'll just get back home to the funny farm. Tonight we're staying at a rental house with the OSU triathlon club. I will likely be sleeping on the ground outside in a sleeping bag since we're over capacity and I'm not too keen on chatty co-eds at 11pm at night. Bill has bribed me with a trip to REI to buy me a new girlie sleeping bag so the trip will be worth it. They better have pink! Or light blue!!! I can't even drink any Mirror Pond at the brewery this weekend so I just won't have that genuine Bend experience. I'll have some pics late Saturday/early Sunday. Have a great weekend!

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